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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 3, 1985 PAGE 6 <br />( Bohrer reported that the MPCA had stated that before we could <br />advertise for bids we are to provide an updated cost estimate and <br />this has been done. There is a chance that we will receive <br />authorization to advertise for bids between now and the first <br />meeting in January. It is Bohrer's intention to advertise for <br />bids as soon as that approval comes through. After the bids have <br />been received there is up to a 90 day MPCA review period for which <br />they can review the bids. <br />B. Request for Public Hearing: <br />Dennis Deneen, 8043 50th St. N. to vacate a portion <br />of Park Avenue in Lane's Demontreville Country <br />Club Addition. <br />The City Council received a request from Dennis Deneen, 8043 50th <br />Street North, to vacate a portion of Park Avenue in Lane's <br />DeMontreville Country Club Addition. The plat was reviewed in <br />which Park Avenue is located and determined that they would call a <br />public hearing on the matter for the January 7, 1986 City Council <br />meeting. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Armstrong - to call a public hearing for January 7, <br />1986 to consider vacating Park Avenue from the west line of the <br />Deneen property to its east intersection with Hill Trail. (Motion <br />carried 5-0). <br />C. 509 Plan - Official City comment letter to VBWD, <br />Metro Council. <br />The VBWD has revised their 509 Plan to include a section on water <br />quality, to adjust the overflow elevations in accordance with DNR <br />requirements, and modify the financing plan to include a portion <br />of the project cost to be assessed against benefitted properties. <br />The Watershed District has supplied a draft letter to the Metro <br />Council in which the City is to advise the Metro Council that the <br />509 Plan will not require substantial changes to the City's <br />Comprehensive Plan. Bohrer advised the Council that the staff <br />concurs that the 509 Plan will not require the City's <br />Comprehensive Plan to change substantially. <br />Bohrer stated that he was prepared at this time to review the <br />revisions to the Comprehensive Plan in detail with the Council, <br />but the Council preferred that the matter be discussed at the next <br />meeting. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Mazzara - to approve the draft letter to be sent to <br />the Metropolitan Council as recommended by City Engineer Bohrer. <br />(Motion carried 5-0). <br />