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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 3, 1985 PAGE 7 <br />7. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT <br />A. Alford vs. City of Lake Elmo Update <br />This case is scheduled for trial in two weeks. At this time there <br />will not be a need for a fact finding trial, but if this changes <br />City Attorney Knaak will be contacting those involved. <br />8. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT <br />A. Martin Luther King Holiday - Policy Decision <br />Martin Luther King Holiday is a new holiday mandated by State and <br />Federal law, and it will occur on the third Monday in January. <br />There were three options to chose from for non -union, <br />non -management employees: <br />1. Allow employees to take an unpaid day off on Martin <br />Luther King's Birthday. <br />2. Allow employees to trade either Columbus Day, a <br />"floating holiday", or another day designated by <br />the city as a holiday but not so designated by <br />law, for Martin Luther King's Birthday. <br />3. Provide by city ordinance that a present city -paid <br />holiday will be rescinded as a paid holiday and that <br />Martin Luther King's Birthday will be treated as a <br />paid holiday in lieu of that day. <br />Discussion followed as to using Good Friday as a floating holiday <br />and what the cost would be to City if this holiday was granted. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Christ - to close the City Office on the third Monday <br />of January as a paid City holiday in honor of Martin Luther King's <br />birthday. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />B. Monthly staff - Council Meeting <br />Mayor Morgan would like to conduct the first monthly staff meeting <br />and will work with the City Administrator in selecting a date. <br />Dunn - suggested that Mayor Morgan write letters of appreciation <br />for the City Employees and the City Administrator draft a letter <br />of appreciation to the City Consultants. <br />C. Liquor license and non -intoxicating malt liquor <br />license renewals. <br />The six applicants have sent in their insurance verifications and <br />the Sheriff's Dept. has indicated no problems with these <br />operations. <br />