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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 4, 1986 PAGE 3 <br />Council Chambers. <br />This is a public hearing regarding the proposed development <br />moratorium recommended by the Planning Commission at its February <br />10, 1986 meeting. The purpose of the moratorium is to give the <br />Planning Commission time to update the Comprehensive Plan and make <br />any revisions to the City Code that would be necessary by revising <br />the Plan. <br />Ed Stevens, 10133 47th St. N., asked the City Council if they <br />planned to give direction to the Planning Commission as it was <br />"quite surprising" that the Planning Commission voted to recommend <br />approval of the Palzer rezoning, yet the Council denied the <br />request. He feels there is some difference of opinion between the <br />Planning Commission and the City Council as to what the zoning <br />should be. Stevens suggested the Council clarify this so there is <br />a better agreement between the two bodies. <br />City Administrator Overby responded that the City Council had met <br />with the Planning Commission in January to discuss a new list of <br />planning issues as a start towards updating the City's <br />Comprehensive Plan. He also stated that the Council would be <br />given periodic updates as assurance that the Planning Commission <br />is not "headed in a direction the Council would not support." <br />Sandy Nazarian, 5450 Highlands Tr. N., pointed out that when the <br />Comprehensive Plan was completed in 1979 there was a survey that <br />was sent to the residents asking their opinions on a number of <br />questions. She suggested that it may benefit the Planning <br />Commission to be aware of the current needs and desires of the <br />residents of Lake Elmo. <br />Marge Williams, a Planning Commission member, responded to <br />Nazarian's concern by stating that the Planning Commission will, <br />in lieu of the questionnaire, ask the public to come to the <br />meetings at different times to express their concerns and needs <br />and pointed out that the Commission does not intend to act <br />independent of the public and/or its concerns. <br />Mayor Morgan closed the public hearing at 7:40 p.m. <br />Mayor Morgan acknowledged that every effort will be made to get <br />the public involved in this process. <br />The consensus of the City Council was to approve a six month <br />moratorium on development. The granting of building permits for <br />platted lots, if there are no special uses or variances, will be <br />exempt from this moratorium as well as any proposals presented to <br />the City for improvements in Section 32 and a portion of Section <br />33. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Dunn - to have City Administrator Overby prepare a <br />draft resolution, including the changes discussed, approving a six <br />month moratorium on development to be presented at the next City <br />Council meeting. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />