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04-15-86 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-15-86 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 15, 1986 PAGE 4 <br />adopted for two reasons: under Minnesota law a minimum of 20% <br />must be specially assessed when bonds are sold, and 80% of the <br />project cost will be placed on the general tax levy because <br />adequately maintained City streets are a benefit to the entire <br />community. <br />The bids for the work were received on April 14, 1986 by the <br />Washington County Public Works Department and the bid prices are <br />less than the cost as originally estimated. The total estimated <br />cost for the program as originally presented was $47,800 of which <br />20% or $9,560 is to be assessed by the unit charge method. <br />The proposed amount to be specially assessed at this time is from <br />$34.35 to $42.26 per parcel. The above addition and deletions <br />will change the final project. <br />Mayor Morgan closed the public hearing at 8:10 p.m. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Armstrong - to order the recommended sealcoat <br />project with the stipulation that the City Engineer and <br />Maintenance Foreman inspect each street proposed to be sealcoated <br />in the 1986 program and to delete those streets that have <br />deteriorated to the point where sealing would not be feasible. <br />(Motion carried 5-0). <br />C. Valley Branch Watershed "509" Management Plan: <br />Environmental Assessment Worksheet <br />City Engineer Bohrer advised the City Council that he has <br />reviewed the Environmental Assessment Worksheet dated March 7, <br />1986 and the Engineer's Report dated February, 1986 for VBWD <br />Project 1007. In Bohrer's opinion the proposed Project 1007 will <br />have no adverse environmental impacts within the City, but <br />further stated that there appears to be environmental benefits <br />from the project such as improved surface water quality on a few <br />of the lakes. <br />The only comments regarding the EAW that he would recommend is <br />that some trench dewatering may be necessary for the construction <br />and he does feel that the more detailed step of an environmental <br />impact statement would not be required. <br />Project 1007 Report <br />1. The predicted normal and 100-year flood levels for Lake Jane <br />are unchanged at 922.5 and 927, respectively. The outlet <br />elevation for Lake Jane will be 922.5 <br />2. About 80% of the overflow from Long Lake, Olson and <br />DeMontreville will bypass Lake Jane. This should improve water <br />quality in Lake Jane. During periods of dry weather, if Jane <br />recedes too low, it may be possible to divert any overflow from <br />Olson-DeMonteville into Jane to maintain a water level. <br />3. The report states that Sunfish Lake will be allowed to recede <br />naturally. If this takes too long, temporary pumping to Eagle <br />Point could be used to speed up the process. The report should <br />address whose responsibility this pumping will be. <br />
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