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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 15, 1986 PAGE 5 <br />4. No improvements are being considered on Eagle Point Fork <br />Creek between Stillwater Boulevard and Eagle Point Lake. <br />5. The sub-aquaeous pipe under the south end of Lake Elmo will <br />bypass about 93% of the total water now entering Elmo from Eagle <br />Point without raising water levels on Elmo. In the long term, <br />this should alleviate the high water problems on Elmo even though <br />Elmo's outlet is not being lowered. <br />City Engineer Bohrer informed the Council that the Watershed <br />District survey crews have located what appears to be a concrete <br />bottom in the one arch outlet of Elmo that is about 1.5 feet <br />lower than the existing outlet. This may be the historical <br />evidence necessary to convince the DNR that Elmo's outlet should <br />be lowered to 884. <br />M/S/P Christ/Morgan - to communicate to VBWD that the City finds <br />that there are no significant environmental impacts from this <br />proposed project that an Environmental Impact Study is not <br />required. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />M/S/P Christ/Mazzara - to recommend that the City pass on any <br />comments regarding the Engineer's Report to the Valley Branch <br />Water District. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />D. Pumping on Lake Jane and Water Level on <br />Sunfish Lake <br />Pat Riley, a resident on Sunfish Lake, explained that the <br />continuing pumping of Lake Jane has caused Sunfish to rise to its <br />all-time high. He also questioned the status of the DNR permits <br />and what can we do about this rise of Sunfish Lake. <br />Dick Murray of the VBWD reported that the pumping during the <br />winter removed about 2 feet of water from Lake Jane and during <br />the spring runoff and rainfall we have gained back one foot. <br />They predict that without any more pumping Lake Jane would go to <br />elevation 924.5 which would be one foot higher than the elevation <br />on 4-15-86. <br />About one year ago, the Council had considered pumping water out <br />of Sunfish Lake and spray irrigating the water onto City owned <br />land to the southwest. The VBWD had considered pumping Sunfish <br />Lake back to City Park Pond in hopes that the majority of the <br />water would infiltrate into the groundwater system. <br />Mayor Morgan proposed that a minimum of 2 feet of water be <br />removed from Sunfish and although Morgan acknowledged that it <br />would not solve the problem entirely, it would hold Sunfish at <br />its current level until the 509 plan is implemented. <br />Councilman Dunn explained that Jim Weyer indicated that the Lake <br />Jane Association is willing to donate the time to set the <br />equipment and pipes in place, so the actual costs of setting up a <br />system that would pump on top of the hill from Sunfish onto City <br />property would be small. <br />