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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 6, 1986 PAGE 4 <br />hearing at 8:22 p.m. <br />Mr. Wichelmann wishes to build a 24' x 36' garage at the rear of <br />his lot, to be located between the septic tanks and the side lot <br />line. This lot configuration was presented as the hardship. A <br />letter was presented by his neighbor, Richard Law, stating that he <br />has no objection to the side yard setback variance. Mr. <br />Wichelamnn stated he could move the garage 3 feet more to the <br />east. <br />Councilman Dunn espressed his concern of establishing a valid <br />property line. City Engineer Bohrer stated that in the past the <br />property line shall be established sufficiently so that the <br />Building Inspector can determine if the setbacks have been met. A <br />survey will be required if the Building Inspector cannot determine <br />the valid property lines. <br />Mayor Morgan closed the public hearing at 8:32 p.m. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Christ - to approve a minimum 5 foot sideyard setback <br />for the construction of a garage to Glen Wichelmann, 9065 28th St. <br />N contingent upon the property lines being established to the <br />satisfaction of the Building Inspector. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />8. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT <br />A. Derrick Land Co. Fill Permit - monitoring update <br />Derrick Land Company, the owner of Lots 1-4, Block 2 DeMontreville <br />Highlands 3rd Additon had performed soil boring and percolation <br />tests on these lots in anticipation of a sale. They found slow <br />percolating soil and perched water table near the surface. After <br />reviewing the original contour map of the area, it appeared that <br />the majority of these lots were low and then filled. The filling <br />has trapped the water. <br />Septic systems cannot be built in these soil conditions. The Lake <br />Elmo Municipal Code does allow sandy fill to be hauled in to <br />provide the separation from the water table. Grading and filling <br />of this type is regulated under the City Building Code. <br />Ordinarily, these permits are granted administratively, but <br />because of the extensive nature of the filling it was brought to <br />the attention of the City Council. Permission to fill these lots <br />in an attempt to provide adequate septic systems (buildable lots) <br />was approved by the City Council, with the stipulation that if <br />this process did not work, the fill would have to be removed and <br />the lots would be deemed unbuildable. <br />On May 5, 1986, CIty Engineer, Larry Bohrer and City Building <br />Official, Jim McNamara met with Roger Johnson, a certified site <br />evaluator hired by Derrick Land Company to oversee this project, <br />reviewed the results of the water level monitoring on these four <br />sites. The Code states that if the water level is above the <br />"critical depth" for two consecutive_ weekly readings, the site is <br />unacceptable. The critical depth is 5 feet for soils with <br />