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05-06-86 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
05-06-86 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 6, 1986 PAGE 5 <br />percolation rates faster than 15 minutes per inch (mpi) and 4 feet <br />for soils slower than 15 mpi. <br />As of May 6, 1986 Lot 4 had consecutive water level readings above <br />the 4 foot or 5 foot critical depth, and is therefore according to <br />City Code, unacceptable. The water level monitoring on the <br />remaining three lots still needs to continue until they are proven <br />unacceptable or June 1, 1986 before a final decision can be made. <br />Several residents from the area expressed concern to the Council <br />that they feel the filling has caused severe drainage problems in <br />the area, and the appearance of the lots do not conform to the <br />other lots in the neighborhood. <br />Because the entire development was designed to drain into the <br />existing holding pond to prevent water from going down into <br />DeMontreville, the City will put Derrick Land Company on notice <br />that the existing topography is unacceptable, that drainage is <br />unacceptable, and regardless of what happens with the percolation, <br />before the City Council approval is given, additional fill shall <br />be brought in, and additional drainage shall be provided to so as <br />to drain according to the original drainage plan for DeMontreville <br />Highlands 3rd Addition, and the City will not allow the water to <br />drain any way than from what was originally planned for this area. <br />M/S/P Christ/Morgan - to approve a letter be written putting <br />Derrick Land Company on record that the existing topography and <br />drainage is unacceptable, and regardless of what happens with the <br />percolation before the City Council approval is given, additional <br />fill shall be brought in, and additional drainage shall be <br />provided so as to drain according to the original drainage plan <br />for DeMontreville Highlands 3rd Addition, and the City will not <br />allow the water to drain any way than from what was originally <br />planned for this area. (Motion carried 4-1<Mazzara: suggests <br />waiting until June 1 to find out if the remaining lots can perk>). <br />B. Street Improvement Needs <br />At the 1986 Sealcoat Hearing and at other times during the past <br />month, various street issues were referred to the City. The City <br />Engineer and Maintenance Foreman have inspected and discussed the <br />condition of roads that were scheduled to be part of this year's <br />sealcoating program. They also looked at streets which may need <br />major improvement work that may be suitable for MSA funding. <br />The City Engineer made his recommendations on eight streets in his <br />letter to the City Council dated May 1, 1986. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Christ - to accept the City Engineer's recommendations <br />as presented in his May 1, 1986 letter excluding Item No. 8-15th <br />Street. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />M/S/P Dunn/Christ - to accept the City Engineer's recommendation <br />for 15th Street as presented in his letter dated May 1, 1986. <br />
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