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11-18-86 CCM
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City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
11-18-86 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 18, 1986 PAGE 6 <br />6. PUBLIC HEARING : Variance to Minimum Lot Size and Lake Frontage; <br />Simple Lot Su division and Preliminary Plat, Ken Sovereign <br />Mayor Morgan opened up the public hearing at 8:00 p.m. in the City <br />Council chambrs. <br />Mr. Ken Sovereign was before the City Council on 10-7-86 with a <br />proposal to plat two lots, one of which was 1.0 acres in size and the <br />second was 1.65 acres. At that time both lots had 125 feet of lot <br />width at the lake, where Shoreland Regulations require 150 feet. Lot <br />number one is part of an eleven -acre parcel. <br />The proposal for this meeting has been modified from the 10-7-86 <br />propoal as follows: <br />1. Lot number one has been increased in lot size from 1.0 acres to <br />1.17 acres. The Code requires 1.5 acres. <br />2. Lot number one lot width at the lake has been increased from 125 <br />feet to the required 150 foot width. <br />3. Lot number two has been reduced in size from 1.65 acres to 1.55 <br />acres, which exceeds the 1.5 acre minimum lot size. <br />4. Lot number two still has a 125 foot lot width at the lake, where <br />150 feet is required. <br />Mr. Sovereign stated his hardship was if he moved the lot line over it <br />would be interfering in any future drainfield for his home and there <br />is no other land available. Also, these are the biggest two lots on <br />the lake. <br />Mayor Morgan closed the public hearing at 8:24 p.m. <br />Arlyn Christ stated it does exceed the 60% size rule and meets the <br />average lot size. There is no other land available for an alternate <br />drainfield and it is improving a non -conforming lot. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Christ -• to grant a variance to the minimum lot size and <br />lake frontage based on. Mr. Sovereign needs an alternate site for a <br />drainfield for his existing home and it does meet the average lot size <br />of the neighborhood. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />M/S/P Morgan/Dunn - to give simple lot subdivision and preliminary <br />plat approval to Ken Sovereign for a two lot plat to be known as Olson <br />Lake Addition located in the NE quarter of the SE quarter of Section 8 <br />and part of Government Lot 2 in Section g. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />7. PUBLIC HEARING : Variance for Required Parking Spaces, <br />Landscaped Buffer Strip and Screening -Site & Building Plan <br />Review, D.C. Sales Company, 9242 Hudson Road <br />Mayor Morgan opened up the public hearing at 8:33 p.m. in the City <br />Council chambers. <br />
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