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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 18, 1986 PAGE 4 <br />City Engineer Bohrer reported that work on the 1986 Street Repairs <br />(Maintenance Overlays) and City Hall Parking Lot is complete. Bohrer <br />recommends that the City accept the work and authorize final payment <br />to Tower Asphalt in the amount of $11,192.69. <br />The distribution of funds is broken down as follows: <br />1986 Maintenance Budget $ 8,187.69 <br />City Hall Building Fund $ 3,005.00 <br />TOTAL PAYMENT $11,192.69 <br />M/S/P Christ/Dunn - to approve the authorization of final payment to <br />Tower Asphalt in the amount of $11,192.69 for work on the 1986 Street <br />Repairs and City Hall parking lot. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />E. 201 Program <br />1. Partial Payment No. 2 - Widmer, Inc. <br />City Engineer Bohrer <br />approval the Estimat <br />$195,567.32. Bohrer <br />on -site systems have <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Dunn <br />Inc. for $195,567.32 <br />installed.. (Motion <br />presented the Council for their review and <br />e and Certificate No. 2 to Wid?jr, Inc. for <br />reported that, as of this writing, 36% of the <br />been installed and recommended payment. <br />- to authorize Partial Payment No. 2 to Widmer, <br />for 36% of the on -site systems that have been <br />tarried 5-0). <br />2. Status Report on Withdrawal Requests. <br />At the last Council meeting, the City Council was informed of the <br />desire of Donald Mehsikomer and Eugene Siedow to withdraw from the 201 <br />Program. City Engineer Bohrer informed the Council that about $800 in <br />engineering costs have been incurred in Step 3 for each of these <br />properties. This matter was directed to the City Attorney to <br />determine ability to assess these costs. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schiltgen 11307 30th St., have also asked to be <br />withdrawn from the program because they upgraded their system a few <br />years ago. When asked why they waited until the contractor was ready <br />to start work before they notified us, they said they intended to, but <br />just didn't get around to it. <br />In his opinion City Attorney Knaak stated that the City can charge <br />these costs to the identified residents. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Armstrong - to assess the above property owners, Frank <br />Schiltgen, Eugene Siedow, and Donald Mehsikomer who have chosen to not <br />participate in the 201 Program for engineering costs (approximately <br />$800). (Motion carried 4-1<Mazzara>). <br />( 8. PUBLIC HEARING : Variance to Allow an Advertising Sign with <br />a Conditional Use Permit in a General Business Zone - <br />Jamie L. Olson <br />