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11-18-86 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
11-18-86 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 18, 1986 PAGE 5 <br />Mayor Morgan opend up the public hearing at 7:33 p.m. in the City <br />Council chambers. <br />Jamie L. Olson wants to cosntruct an advertising sign on land that is <br />located adjacent to the I-94 frontage road and immediately in front <br />(south) of the vali-Hi Drive In. A similar request for a larger sign <br />on the same site in 1985 was denied by the City Council. The proposed <br />sign is allowed by the Lake Elmo Municipal. Code in the General <br />Business district, which the property is currently zoned. The <br />proposed size of the two-sided sign (10' by 20' = 200 square feet) is <br />within the size limitations of the code. It is also within the 35 <br />foot height limitation. <br />A variance is needed for the sign location because the sign would be <br />less than the minimum 3,000 foot horizontal distance that is required <br />between advertising signs which are located on the same side of a <br />street or highway. The location of this sign would be approximately <br />400 to 500 feet from where the Vali-IIi Drive In sign is located. Ms. <br />Olson added that there is no reason that they could not agree that her <br />sign would. not block any sign Vali-Hi were to erect. <br />She had made a proposal to Mr. R. J. O'Neil, owner of the Vali-Hi <br />Drive In, to build his sign below her sign with no cost to him, but he <br />was not interested. Mr. O'Neil stated that his new sign would be off <br />to the east of the screen. <br />Ms. Olson referred to a letter written by her lawyer James Lammers, <br />Stillwater, in which he stated that in his opinion she should be <br />reasonably entitled to a variance because of the .fact that she could <br />not put her property to any other reasonable use. As was pointed out <br />to him, there are other non -conforming signs in the City of Lake Elmo. <br />FINDINGS OF FACT: <br />1. The proposed sign appears to not exceed a 500 foot separation <br />distance from the Vali-Hi sign, where the Lake Elmo Code requires a <br />minimum of 3,000 feet. <br />2. The proposed sign does not exceed size or height limits as <br />specified in the Lake Elmo Code. <br />Mr. O'Neil, owner of the Vali-Hi Drive In, explained that his Attorney <br />Brad Gunn had clearly stated at the Planning Commission meeting that <br />the Olson's had been adequately compensated for damages to that <br />property. Ms. Olson responded that her attorney's feelings on the <br />basis that awards are made are assumed that the property owner may <br />make some reasonable use of their land. <br />Mayor Morgan clsoed the public hearing at 7:55 p.m. <br />M/S/P Christ/Dunn - to deny a variance request from Jamie L. Olson to <br />allow her an advertising sign with a CUP in a General Business Zone <br />based on Lake Elmo's Municipal Code which requires 3,000 feet between <br />signs and applicant's proposal does not meet this requirement. <br />(Motion carried 5-0). <br />
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