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12-02-86 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
12-02-86 CCM
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LAKE <br />ELMO <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br />DECEMBER 2, 1986 PAGE 4 <br />7. <br />CITY <br />ENGINEER'S REPORT <br />A. Protected Waters Permit: Channel Crossing at Eagle Point <br />Lake Inlet Channel, Washington County <br />The Washington County Parks Department has applied for a DNR <br />permit to construct a culvert crossing at the inlet channel to <br />Eagle Point Lake. The location of the proposed crossing is south <br />of the intersection of 28th Street and Ivy Avenue on park <br />property. The purpose of the crossing is to provide access to the <br />northwest area of the park for maintenance vehicles. In the City <br />Engineer's report of November 26, 1986 Bohrer stated that the <br />crossing consists of 18 lineal feet of 42" x 24" arch culvert with <br />aprons installed in the channel. with minimum granular fill over <br />the top for a driving surface. This crossing will be under water <br />during most spring runoffs, but be useable during summer and fall <br />when park maintenance is done. Bohrer understands that the <br />crossing was designed in coordination with. VBWD engineers so as to <br />cause no backup of water outside of the park boundaries. On that <br />basis, he has no objections to the stream crossing. <br />City Engineer Bohrer recommended that the City comment to the DNR <br />that the City has no objections to the crossing as long as no <br />water is backed up off' the County park land and as long as the <br />VBWD approves. <br />M/S/P Christ/Dunn - to approve the Eagle Point Park Fork Channel <br />Crossing, but to include the comment to the DNR that the City has <br />no objections to the crossing as long as no water is backed up off <br />the County park land and as long as the VBWD approves. (Motion <br />carried 4-0). <br />B. Resolution on CSAH 15 (Manning Avenue) <br />The City Council had decided at the November 18, 1986 meeting to <br />have the City Attorney review the language of the revised <br />resolution and to have the City staff meet with West Lakeland <br />supervisors to find out their desires on a possible agreement for <br />maintenance of the existing Manning Avenue that will eventually be <br />turned back to the City and township from the County. <br />Mr. Dick Herold, Design/Construction Engineer, stated in his <br />letter, dated December 2, 1986, that the County must maintain that <br />portion of Manning Avenue within the township for 2 years after <br />turnback. Since turnback cannot occur until the new road is <br />operational, the earliest that the County can relinquish <br />maintenance of Manning Avenue is late 1989. Work on new Manning <br />Avenue should be completed in late 1987. Since the County must <br />maintain the portion of Manning Avenue N. to be turned back to the <br />township, they intend to maintain that portion of Manning Avenue <br />N. to be turned back to the City for the same two years. <br />City Engineer Bohrer and Foreman Dan Olinger meet with West <br />Lakeland Township and discussed some maintenance difficulties. A <br />
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