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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 20, 1987 PAGE 10 <br />improvements. The City has no bridges and no Federal Aid Urban or <br />Federal Aid Rural streets. The one opportunity the City has where <br />this Agreement would be necessary is a federally aided Traffic <br />Sign Inventory and Replacement Program in which the City expressed <br />an "intent to participate" in 1986. This program pays 90% of the <br />cost to Inventory and replaces defective stop signs, yield signs, <br />etc. This program has been delayed because the interest in the <br />program exceeded the funds available and MnDOT is waiting for a <br />second round of funding. <br />Bohrer added that although this Agreement is not really needed <br />until Lake Elmo wants to do a federally aided project, he sees no <br />.liability in having an executed Agreement on file. Bohrer <br />recommended the Council approve the resolution for the MnDOT <br />Agency Agreement. City Attorney Knaak has read the resolution, <br />and sees no legal reason why the City should not enter into the <br />agreement, and recommends approval. Knaak was aware of two other <br />cities that have entered into this agreement. <br />Bohrer explained that this does not obligate the City to any <br />program. When we do have the opportunity to participate in a <br />federally funded highway related program. The mechanism is in <br />place and the funds can be transferred. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - to adopt Resolution 87-19 which authorizes the <br />City of Lake Elmo to enter into an agency agreement with the <br />Minnesota Department of Transportation. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />G. Municipal State Aid. Update <br />City Engineer Bohrer reported in his letter of 1-14•-87 that a <br />portion of the State gasoline tax is returned to all cities over <br />5,000 population in the form of Municipal State Aid. This money <br />is apportioned to qualifying cities based on their population and <br />based on the amount of money needed to improve their State Aid <br />streets. Lake Elmo's 1987 construction allotment is approximately <br />$133,471. Adding this to Lake Elmo's unexpended MSA construction <br />fund of $382,939 equals $516,410 available for MSA construction <br />projects in 1987. <br />In 1981, a 10-year MSA Improvement Program was established. This <br />program established a time table for upgrading MSA streets. The <br />streets were prioritized based on their condition and amount of <br />traffic. Therefore, the streets in the worst condition were <br />reconstructed first. The following statements were made about the <br />Plan. <br />1. Keats Avenue from 47th Street to TH 36 was completed in 1982. <br />2. 45th Street, Julep Avenue and 47th Street from Jane Road to <br />Keats Avenue was completed in 1984. <br />3. Klondike Avenue and Lower 33rd Street was planned to be <br />reconstructed in 1986 but due to insufficient right--of-way width <br />was not approved by MnDOT. The City applied for a variance but <br />was denied due to poor sight distance at Lake Elmo Avenue because <br />of the Joshua Taylor This project is on indefinite <br />