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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 20, 1987 PAGE 9 <br />Councilman Graves voiced his concern on possible septic failures <br />on properties that are very small lots and may not be able to <br />correct their system according to our City Code. <br />City Attorney Knaak stated that the City has the authority to <br />condemn property under Resources -Chapter 429. The 201 Program is <br />more of a funding mechanism than anything else. The authority the <br />City has in order to condemn property existed before and continues <br />to exist after the 201 program. It gives the opportunity for some <br />of the citizens to utilize it, so those options remain. The <br />City can set up a program similar to the 201 Program, but the <br />funding mechanism will be different. <br />City Engineer Bohrer felt the search procedure would be the same <br />as the one followed with the 201 Program. If there are one or <br />more of the problem lots identified, you look in the area for <br />available vacant land. The 201 Program did not give the City any <br />more authority to do it, it was strictly funding. <br />City Administrator Overby stated that the owner would be bearing <br />the costs; whether they could negotiate directly or the City would <br />have to acquire the land is the only difference. <br />Bohrer explained a few things that might want to be considered. <br />The City will have to make sure that the systems that are improved <br />under this federal program are maintained properly. A simple <br />recording card system could be set up, whereby, every time a <br />system is pumped by a license pumper in the City, he sends in a <br />pre -addressed stamped postcard into the City. This could be <br />expanded to region wide or even city-wide. This could be a way to <br />get a handle on the type of maintenance that could or should be <br />done. This would be encouraging regular maintenance and you have <br />some type of record of pumping of the system. This would help <br />people extend the life of their septic system. <br />M/S/P Moe/Johnson - to extend the City Council meeting to 11:00 <br />p.m. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />F. Interagency Agreement with Mn/DOT <br />City Engineer Bohrer reported in his review letter of 1-14-87 that <br />if a city desired to participate in a federally funded highway <br />related construction project, the city cannot receive these <br />federal funds directly. These federal funds would be received by <br />the Commissioner of Transportation and then sent to the city. For <br />this reason, MnDOT asks that each city in the State enter into an <br />Agreement which directs the Commissioner of Transportation to act <br />on the city's behalf to receive these federal funds. Lake Elmo <br />has entered into a similar Agreement in the past but since there <br />are new requirements for a project audit, MnDOT asks that each <br />city enter into a new revised Agreement. A copy of the proposed <br />agreement was handed out for the Council's review. <br />Even though Lake Elmo has been a party to a similar Agreement in <br />the past, the Agreement has never been used. Lake Elmo has very <br />little opportunity to qualify for federally aided highway <br />