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01-20-87 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
01-20-87 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 20, 1987 PAGE 11 <br />hold. <br />4. Upper 33rd Street and Laverne Avenue from Lake Elmo Avenue to <br />TH 5. These streets are anticipated to be reconstructed in 1989. <br />They received a sealcoat and maintenance overlay in 1986 and <br />should provide reasonable service at least until 1989. <br />5. 47th Street, Kimbro Avenue anad 50th Street ??Vm Keats Avenue <br />to Lake Elmo Avenue. These streets are anticipated to be <br />reconstructed in about 1993. However, the City's State Aid funds <br />are accumulating faster than anticipated when the original 10 year <br />program was set up and could be reconstructed sooner. <br />All other MSA streets are in reasonably good condition and are <br />beyond the planning period. <br />The following are City Engineer Bohrer's recommendations: <br />1.. It is recommended that Lake Elmo consider a MSA construction <br />project in 1987. The money is available and it would avoid a <br />possible reduction in allotments in future years. <br />2. It is recommended that the 10 Year Plan be modified. to <br />re -prioritize the construction schedule. In his opinion, 47th, <br />Kimbro, and 50th Street should be scheduled ahead of Laverne <br />Avenue. The gravel roads are a constant source of complaints due <br />to the washboard gravel and dust. <br />3. If the Council agrees with Recommendations 1 and 2 above, then <br />a public informational meeting should be held with the residents <br />to discuss the impacts of the project, land in Green Acres, <br />additional right-of-way requirements, and general cost figures to <br />determine if preliminary surveys and a feasibility study should be <br />done. <br />This informational meeting will be held as a regular agenda item <br />and we will be looking strictly at feasibility. This should be <br />published in the Lake Elmo Newsletter. <br />8. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT <br />A. Resolution against candidate landfill site in Lake <br />Elmo Park Reserve <br />Lake Elmo residents, Dan Novak and Todd Williams have drafted a <br />resolution for the City Council's consideration. This resolution <br />will. be used as part of the information provided to other State <br />legislators in the drive to gain support for this proposed <br />legislation. <br />State Senator Gary Laidig and State Representative Harriet <br />McPherson explained that the Resolution passed by the City Council <br />gives them the chance to get some legislation drafted. It is one <br />way that the legislature can attempt to remove that candidate <br />landfill site. Senator Laidig felt that he and Representative <br />McPherson were prepared to do whatever they could to prevent the <br />proposed landfill. He sits on the Natural Resource Committee in <br />
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