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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 20, 1987 PAGE 12 <br />the Senate and Rep. McPherson is on the Environmental Committee in <br />the House, which puts them in a good position to make their case <br />and they will keep Williams and Novak well informed. <br />The following amendment was made to the Resolution. Adds <br />WHEREAS, no other community in Minnesota has more than one <br />mandated landfill; and <br />� yis dComxd� straU90%e-rby will be the liaison between the official <br />coordinators Todd Williams and Dan Novak and the City Council. He <br />will keep them updated on the progress at the City Council <br />meetings. (Peed 2-3-87 14 lliams and Novak will keep the City Council <br />updated on any progress made <br />Councilman Johnson recapped that when the existing landfill went <br />in, they were assured that the soils did have a barrier and it <br />would be impervious to any material entering the ground water, and <br />assured that it was nothing but household garbage, but both of <br />these were proven to be wrong. A number of residents have had a <br />lot of suffering because of this. Johnson urged the Senator and <br />Representative to go to bat for them because they really need <br />their help on solving this problem. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - to adopt Resolution 87-18 opposing the <br />proposed landfill in the Lake Elmo Park Reserve. (Motion carried <br />5-0). <br />B. Appointment of Consulting City Planner <br />The City Council tabled action on this appointment from the <br />January 6, 1987 meeting until the City Administrator could <br />investigate what other planninng firms would charge on an hourly <br />basis for "on call" consulting planning servees. The average of <br />the four figures acquired were $49.38 per hour. City <br />Administrator Overby suggested that Rob Chelseth be retained as <br />the City's Consulting Planner. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moes - to appoint Rob Chelseth as the Consulting City <br />Planner for 1987. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />C. Public Officials liability and Fire Company Errors <br />& Ommissions Insurance. <br />City Administrator Overby reported that the Public Officials <br />Liability coverage has stayed the same, but the quote has gone up <br />23% since last year. <br />The Fire Company Errors and Omissions Insurance coverage amount <br />doubled from $500,000 to one million dollar limit. The cost of <br />the coverage went up 38%. This was the quote provided by Casualty <br />Underwriters. It was not suggested by the Zignego Insurance <br />Agency. <br />The total premium cost of $5,261.50 is due for payment on January <br />21, 1987. Insurance is budgeted for $6,600 in 1987. <br />Councilwoman Armstrong did not like this last minute approval. <br />This happened last year and she would like more time to look over <br />