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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 20, 1987 PAGE 7 <br />others will benefit from the light on that road. Bohrer added <br />that the intersection is completely undeveloped in that the <br />adjacent land is either vacant or farmed. The Church is the only <br />developed area in the vicinity. The intersection of 14th Street <br />and Guardian Angels Drive is the only access to the Church <br />property. He had viewed the intersection at night and agrees that <br />a street light at that intersection would be beneficial. <br />Mr. John Riehle, Parish Administrator, stated they have been in <br />this community for 130 years, relatively upstanding, and plan on <br />continuing in this regard. People come to their parish outside of <br />the community and it is difficult for them to find their way, and <br />they might identify that with Lake Elmo. It is not a typical <br />rural intersection, but a busy intersection that is used by many <br />members of the church many nights of the week. <br />Mayor Christ and Councilwoman Armstrong felt this would be setting <br />a precedent. Paying part of the installation costs would be <br />encouraging more people to come in and request a street light. We <br />are a rural community and people accept this in a rural community. <br />Armstrong said there is no street light at Cty. Rd 13 oin on to <br />4th �ahtair�s-very-ci-ark;- or -a ��zer- �ornEx�-ar tirtveway: th treet which <br />is very dark at her corner. (Amended 2-3-87) <br />Bob Dreher asked if Mn/DOT could be contacted because of the <br />designation of 4th Street being a frontage road to I-94. There <br />are many cars coming off of 94 an using 4th Street to get to the <br />different businesses. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - to direct the City Engineer to contact Mn/DOT <br />if there would be any available funding since the State appears to <br />have created the hazardous conditions. (Motion carried 5•-0). <br />B. Street light request: Bonnie Moris <br />Bonnie Moris has requested a street light be placed at 20th Street <br />North and Manning Avenue. The turn is extremely hard to see <br />because of inadequate lighting, creating a dangerous corner. <br />The residents who live on the corner of 20th and Manning were in <br />favor of a street light. They felt that the stop sign may be seen <br />with a street light. <br />Marvin Kloetzke, 2415 Lisbon Avenue, was in favor of a street <br />Light. His wife works nights and finds the road leans to the <br />right and she uses the tree line in order to find the <br />intersection. <br />Cty. Rd. 15 (Amended 2-3-87) <br />City Engineer Bohrer stated that J_5L- -S-t. will be realigned into <br />West Lakeland township. The curved portion of Manning Avenue that <br />is there today will become a City street. This is approximately <br />three years away. Bohrer has asked NSP to make a determination if <br />there would be an installation charge, but has not heard back from <br />them. There is an existing pole to the SW corner of the <br />intersection and there is secondary power around there, so he <br />feels there will not be an installation charge. This is considered <br />a request, not a petition, so the decision to install a light is <br />at Council s discretion. Bohrer could attest to the public need <br />