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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 20, 1987 PAGE 8 <br />there because he has viewed the intersection at night in both <br />directions and feels illumination would help. <br />Bohrer did contact the County Highway Department to see if they <br />would participate in street lights. They replied that the County <br />does not do street lights. <br />There was no one in attendance that was opposed to the street <br />light request. <br />M/S/P Graves/Johnson - to approve the street light request at 20th <br />Street and Manning Avenue contingent upon no installation cost to <br />the City. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />C. Partial payment #4: Widmer, Inc. <br />City Engineer recommended approval of the Estimate and Certificate <br />No. 4 for Widmer, Inc. in the amount of $112,849.22. As of this <br />estiamte, 68% of the on -site systems are operational. The <br />contractor suspended his operations for the winter on December 24, <br />1986. There will be no more partial payments for construction <br />until the contract resumes operations in the Spring. Bohrer stated <br />that they were staying within the budget. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Graves - to approve partial Payment #4, Widmer <br />Inc. in the amount of $112,849.22. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />D. Final payment for Prokosch emergency holding tnak,. <br />City Engineer Bohrer reported that Mr. Prokosch's septic system is <br />planned to be replaced under Part D - Offsite and Collector Septic <br />Systems. This part has not been let yet because of delays in land <br />acquisition. This Fall, his septic tank collapsed leaving a pool <br />of raw sewage in his front yard. The City received approval from <br />the MPCA to have an emergency holding tank installed. Quotes for <br />the work were received and the work was awarded to the low bidder, <br />Widmer,Inc. The work was completed in November and Bohrer <br />recommended approval of Estimate and, Certificate No. 1 for final <br />payment to Widmer Inc. in the amount of $3,940.00 for this <br />emergency work. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - to approve the payment of $3,940.00 to Widmer, <br />Inc. for the emergency installation of a holding tank for John <br />Prokosch at 10907 32nd Street N. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />E. Update on 201 Land Condemnation <br />City Engineer Bohrer updated the City Council on the hearing that <br />was held for condemnation on land parcels and easements in the <br />cases where the landowner/resident were unwilling to accept the <br />City's appraisal offer. The judge took testimony and is allowing <br />one week for final summary arguements submitted by the various <br />attornies and we should hear the decision on whether this is a <br />public purpose project in about two weeks. The City will then <br />have posessi.on of the property as of March 26, 1987. <br />City's Position on Future Septic System Failures <br />