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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 16, 1987 PAGE 7 <br />many items have been put into piles, making for a neater appearance <br />than before. The 6 foot wood fence facing the north between the house <br />and the old blue storage house has been completed. The blue house <br />facing 10th Street has not been completed as requested. Earl Hammes <br />did say he had hired a person to complete the work on the structure. <br />The berm to the west had not been completed as requested and should be <br />given a time limit for completion. Also, the area around the house <br />still needs cleaning up and lawn properly groomed. A suggestion was <br />that for some of the outside storage around the house could be moved <br />to the low area in back or, preferably, to be removed from the <br />property completely. <br />Dorothy Lyons stated that the lawnmower has been fixed, so the lawn <br />was cut. A contracter has been hired so the blue house (garage) will <br />be on a permanent foundation by July 15th. Everything the city <br />complained about along that strip will be removed, so a berm will not <br />be needed. As far as the notice of insurance cancellation, she stated <br />she still has until June 29th to pay the insurance premium. <br />A report is expected back for the July 21st meeting from Jim McNamara <br />to include the blue house being on a permanent foundation by July <br />15th, and that the outside storage and clean up is done to his <br />satisfaction. The outside storage will only include those items that <br />are allowed in our code. <br />M/S/P Graves/Armstrong - to approve an extension of the requirements <br />of the Hammes conditions for their CUP to include work to be completed <br />by July 15th for placing a blue house on a permanent foundation and <br />the items suggested in Jim McNamara's letter (paragraph 5) of 6-8-87 <br />are completed to his satisfaction and, furthermore, Jim communicates <br />what he feels needs to be done to the Hammes'. A report of findings <br />will be submitted at the July 21st City Council meeting. (Motion <br />carried 5-0). <br />7. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT <br />A. 201 Project --Partial Payment to Widmer, Inc. <br />City Engineer Bohrer recommended approval of partial payment in the <br />amount of $27,505.68 to Widmer Inc. for work done on parts A-B-C of <br />the 201 Project. This work is all for landscaping type items. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - to approve partial payment request number 7 to <br />Widmer Inc. in the amount of $27,505.68 for work done on parts A-B-C <br />of the 201 Project. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />B. MSA Project Update <br />City Engineer Bohrer provided a brief update on a municipal state aid <br />paving project which would involve the redesignation of 43rd Street <br />North to a MSA Street. Elmer Morris, District State Aid Engineer <br />tatarl in hi-2 l Attar dated—june 9, 1987 that t1ae reaso.,, for the <br />denial is that the presently designated route, which is 50th Street, <br />was approved partly on the basis of the approved Lake Elmo <br />Comprehensive Plan. Transportation and functional classification of <br />