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06-16-87 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
06-16-87 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 16, 1987 PAGE 4 <br />City Engineer Bohrer stated that, based on the soil tests, an adequate <br />drainfield and an alternate drainfield could be constructed at the <br />elevation of 895.0 or above. Mr. Thompson responded that since the <br />elevation of 891 would be denied, he would be interested in the 895 <br />elevation that was approved in 1984. Also approved were (1) Lot size <br />- the lot size is 1.0 acres where 2.0 acres is required. The hardship <br />being this is a previous platted lot of record prior to the enactment <br />of the shoreland requirements. (2) Grant variance for drainfield <br />elevation for 895 where 897 is currently required with the hardship <br />being there is not sufficient land available above 897 that a <br />drainfield and an alternate drainfield could be constructed. It was <br />reaffirmed, as in 1984, that it is determined that 895 provides <br />adequate protection. The applicant will go through the normal staff <br />review so the Building Inspector and City Engineer can verify that he <br />is actually going to build what was agreed upon. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - to reaffirm approval of a shoreland permit which <br />was granted on 10-2-84 and grant a lot size variance and a minimum <br />drainfield elevation variance for 895.0 which was acceptable in 1984, <br />but deny the minimum floor elevation. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />B. PUBLIC HEARING: Variance to Allow Approval of <br />Preliminary Plat for Lake Elmo Heights, 2nd Addition. <br />Mayor Christ opened up the public hearing at 8:20 in the City Council <br />chambers. <br />At the June 2, 1987 City Council meeting the Council commented and <br />passed a motion stating that a variance was not required for the <br />length of the cul-de-sac because it was considered a temporary <br />cul-de-sac. Because the public hearing noitce contained the <br />cul-de-sac length variance, this had to be formally brought up. <br />Bruce Folz referred to the letter he received from Doug Thomas, dated <br />June 5, 1987, regarding soil suitability for on -site sewage absorption <br />systems. The letter stated that the soil survey report itself does <br />not support nor is it intended to be used as a means of denial for <br />on -site sewage absorption systems Instead it is to be used as a <br />guide in recognizing inherent limitations of soils and the need for <br />further testing. The rating system of slight, moderate and severe is <br />used as a means of raising a flag to potential unsuitable soil <br />characteristics for an intended use. <br />Doug Thomas further stated that in regard to Santiago soils in <br />Washington County, the soil survey does indicate a severe limitation <br />for on -site sewage absorption. The severe limitation only indicates <br />that certain soil conditions (slow percolation) exist that would <br />prevent the proper functioning of a sewage absorption system and that <br />detailed on -site investigation is needed. If detailed soil testing <br />shows that a Santiago soil has percolation rates in the allowable <br />range or on -site sewage absorption, the soil in fact would be suitable <br />ror on -site sewage absorption systems. <br />
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