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06-16-87 CCM
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City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
06-16-87 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 16, 1987 PAGE 5 <br />Attorney John Stibbe explained that there had been considerable <br />discussion devoted to the definition of "suitable" soils. Since it <br />was undecided where 153 soils are considered "suitable" soils, the <br />Developer is seeking the variances. He feels the hardship in this <br />situation is the type of soils on the development site. Since the <br />development contains a large amount of 153 soils which generally are <br />suitable for septic systems, but not always, there is a hardship due <br />to this type of soil. The Developer has shown that there is over <br />10,000 sq.ft. of land on each lot capable of handling septic systems. <br />This is enough area for two septic systems. <br />Bruce Folz stated that he had measured the area and there was at least <br />one acre or more of soils that are either classified 153 or 155 (120 <br />and 264 soils are out). Bohrer responded that now with these new <br />measurements which have just been submitted, he feels more <br />comfortable. He felt the engineering recommendations for the <br />drainfields should be for the record and administratively directed to <br />the building inspector and the installer. If not, the septic systems <br />could be put in in violation of the code. <br />Planning Commission Chairman DeLapp stated that having a preliminary <br />reading come out 1.0 acres with suitable soils on two lots is <br />incredible. Also, you have a road going through and the applicant had <br />already stated the only way the road would go through is if the rest <br />of the land is brought in with a central sewer system through Oakdale. <br />DeLapp asked if we are trying to preserve the land by having small <br />lots with potential sewer problems or are we trying to open up the <br />land to sewer? <br />Mayor Christ closed the public hearing at 8:59 p.m. <br />City Engineer Bohrer had no problem accepting the measurements from a <br />registered land surveyor. He suggested that Bruce Folz submit those <br />measurements for the record, signed off with his registered land <br />surveyor certification number and a motion could made based upon the <br />information presented at the June 16, 1987 council meeting where they <br />determined there was 1.0 acres of suitable land and determined that a <br />variance was not necessary. When asked by Councilman Johnson if Bohrer <br />agreed from an engineering standpoint that suitable soils can be found <br />on all of the lots, Bohrer confirmed the statement. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - to grant preliminary plat approval for the Second <br />Addition of Lake Elmo Heights without the variance for the cul-de-sac <br />on 27th Street, without the variance on the 1-acre of land suitable <br />for septic drainfields and subject to a certification of the suitable <br />soils on each lot be provided by Land Surveyor Bruce Folz, and that <br />the septic drainfield for each lot be installed in compliance with the <br />City Engineer's recommendations as contained in a letter to the <br />Planning Commission dated May 15, 1987. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />C. ore an Permit: Leroy Howell, 2119 Lake Elmo Avenue <br />Judy and Leroy Howell were denied a simple lot subdivision earlier <br />this year based on the City's reluctance to create at least one <br />non-comforming lot out of one conforming lot, and there was no <br />hardship proven that would have been a basis to create this <br />
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