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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 16, 1987 PAGE 6 <br />non -conforming lot. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Howell have now applied for a shoreland permit with the <br />intention of adding on to their existing house. There are no apparent <br />variances needed with this request. This application has been <br />reviewed by the DNR and they have no problem or concerns with the <br />request. <br />City Engineer Bohrer stated that the adequacy of the septic system for <br />11 people should be determined when the building permit is issued. We <br />do have the records when the septic system was upgraded recently, but <br />do not have any records on what percolation rates of the soils that <br />the permit was based upon in order to determine how many gallons of <br />sewage this septic can accommodate. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - to grant approval of a Shoreland Permit for an <br />addition to an existing structure for Leroy and Judy Howell at 2119 <br />Lake Elmo Avenue. (Motion carried 5-0) <br />D. Simple Lot Subdivision: 9345 31st Street, Jim Friedrich <br />Mr. Jim Friedrich owns a 11.77 acre parcel of land located just east <br />of 31st Street and south of the C&NW RR tracks. The land is zoned <br />R-1. Mr. Friedrich proposes to divide off 7.31 acres of his property <br />and sell it to Joe Kaiser, who owns a house on property located <br />directly east of the Friedrich property. The simple lot subdivision <br />is needed to establish the new Friedrich parcel "C" (4.46 acres) and <br />the new Kaiser parcel "D" (13.69 acres). <br />In the City Engineer's letter dated 6-5-87, he referred to a <br />Developer's Agreement that was drawn up to provide for private road <br />access to both the Friedrich parcel and the Kaiser parcel. Since this <br />letter was written, the City Staff was able to locate a signed copy of <br />this agreement. All the concerns have been taken care of. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Graves - to adopt Resolution 87-29 approving a simple <br />lot subdivision request of Jim Friedrich, 9345 31st Street N., to <br />create a new parcel of 4.46 acres for Mr. Friedrich and a new parcel <br />of 13.69 acres for Mr. Joe Kaiser, all subject to the requirement that <br />the Developer's Agreement be amended as recommended by City Staff and <br />that there be one legal description for the new Kaiser parcel. <br />(Motion carried 5-0). <br />E. Hammes Mining CUP Report <br />On February 3, 1987 the City Council adopted Resolution 87-21 <br />authorizing renewal of the Hammes CUP for calendar year 1987 with the <br />added requirement that the City Staff inspect the premises before the <br />July 1, 1987 compliance dates for cleanup of the problems in the <br />meeting minutes and in Items 13, 14, 15 of the resolution. <br />City Administrator Overby accompanied Jim McNamara on a site visit on <br />Friday, June McNamara stated in his report that the exit and <br />entrance to the mining area is clean and appears to be properly <br />maintained. The area around the house has been straightened up and <br />