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06-02-87 Special CCM
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City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
06-02-87 Special CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 2, 1987 PAGE '6 <br />-� The other issue raised by the Planning Commission concerned whether <br />d the concept plan approval given for this phase of the PUD in January <br />of 1978 had expired now since there is a 6-year statute of limitations <br />i that would presumably apply. The letter of 5-18-87 from City Attorney <br />=i. Steve Carlson to the City Administrator indicates that the statute of <br />limitations issue does not apply in this case. He also advises that <br />the City should not attempt to invoke the 1979 ordinance requirements <br />= i at this time for Phase II. <br />City Engineer Bohrer explained that the code stated that all lots <br />Al should have at least one acre of land suitable for septic drainfields <br />and are sufficient for two separate and distinct drainfield sites. <br />Under the worst conditions two separate and distinct drainfield site <br />will require 10,000 sq.ft. of land, but on the other hand it states <br />one acre is required. <br />One lot can meet one criteria, but not both of the criteria. The soil <br />has been tested and there is more than enough room for two distinct <br />drainfields, but does not have the one acre. Bruce Folz felt that <br />there was adequate area for four systems. They could shift the line <br />50 feet north or whatever it takes. <br />Bohrer recalled that the one acre requirement came from back in the <br />1970's when a lot of land was being subdivided that had ponds and <br />lakes. The small ponds were privately owned and the land was <br />subdivided out into the ponds so we had lots that meet the 1 1/2 acre <br />lot size, but half would have a drainage easement and the other half <br />would be high ground. <br />-,City Engineer Bohrer referenced Section 400 Platting,stating "Streets, <br />-< Continuous --except for cul-de-sacs, streets shall connect with streets <br />already dedicated in adjoining or adjacent subdivisions or provide for <br />future connections to adjo-;ining unsubdivided tracts or shall be a <br />reasonable projection of streets in the nearest subdivided tracts. <br />,,� The origin street shall be considered in relation to a reasonable <br />circulation of traffic to topographic conditions to runoff storm <br />i'water, public convenience. In the next paragraph of the code it stated <br />- "local streets shall be so planned as to discourage the use by <br />non -local traffic. Dead-end streets are prohibited, but cul-de-sacs <br />•^shall be permitted because of topography." In this way, through <br />=streets and planning for through -streets are actually encouraged, and <br />acul-de-sacs are permitted based upon topography. In this case, Bohrer <br />felt we should not hold to the 800 foot maximum for cul-de-sacs, but <br />rather encourage the future extension of the street. <br />Bohrer recommended putting in the cul-de-sac as shown and the road not <br />-go through unless the City gets a petition from adjacent property <br />owners. Then the cul-de-sac can be eliminated easily and become a <br />-,through street as in Foxfire and Teal Pass. <br />_-_ There is a provision in the code if a road could go through in the <br />( future that it be platted all the way to the edge of the subdivision <br />and then fitted with a temporary cul-de-sac. Bohrer,belives this road <br />would go through and the provision in the code is proper. The Council <br />considered the cul-de-sac as temporary so a variance was not needed. <br />
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