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07-21-87 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
07-21-87 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 21, 1987 PAGE 2 <br />$10/month charge for electricity and maintenance of a street light. <br />M/S/P Graves/Johnson - to approve the street light request contingent <br />on the verification of the names on the petition representing 75 <br />percent of the residents within 300 feet according to the City's <br />street light policy. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />City Engineer Bohrer would like an opportunity to drive by at night <br />before he could make an opinion. Councilman Johnson felt that this <br />intersection could use a street light because it is very dark and you <br />are unable to see if any children should run out into the street. <br />4. Landfill Committee Update <br />Dan Novak reported outstanding charges which are relative to the <br />Washington County Fair booth. The charges include: $136 for balloons <br />with markings, $47 for handouts, $15 for business cards and the booth <br />rental has been donated by Teddy Carlson. <br />Linda Ramirez, Citizen Advisory Committee Treasurer, will contact <br />Finance Director Marilyn Banister for setting up an account to deposit <br />donations received to -date. Councilwoman Armstrong suggested that the <br />Citizen's Advisory Committee have an account on their own. <br />A proposal from George Crocker of the North American Water Association <br />was given to the CAC of items that could be of benefit to the <br />Committee. Mr. Crocker will attend the August 2nd Sunday night <br />meeting to discuss this. The funds the Committee have set up could not <br />handle this and they would like the City to get involved. <br />The Munger meeting was held on July 16th which Dan felt was a disaster <br />because they passed off their unfairness with an attitude of <br />indifference. Every point they brought up to them, they refuted. <br />Also, Willard Munger had refused the option for an interim study, but <br />felt the EIS was the solution and the Committee should proceed with <br />it. The Committee had asked to go before the full Metropolitan <br />Council and Steve Keefe's response was that he would take this under <br />advisement. The Committee has received the Met Council response to <br />their eight questions. <br />Dan has talked to Bruce Dunn who has met with trash hauler Maroney and <br />Zack Hansen of the County to discuss the City drafting an Request For <br />Proposal for solicitation of haulers for curb site pickup once a month <br />in the City. Maroney has proposed to pick up once a month three types <br />of glass, newsprint, and aluminum cans. The Committee endorses this <br />action and sees this as a positive argument in favor of what they are <br />trying to do with the landfill. <br />Armstrong's understanding from talking to Bruce Dunn was that he felt <br />this was an excellent idea and would carry it through, but they are <br />busy with the compost pile and are trying to get this working. <br />It was suggested that this be put on the City Council agenda for <br />discussion. City Administrator Overby will contact Bruce Dunn. <br />
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