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07-21-87 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
07-21-87 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 21, 1987 PAGE 8 <br />findings in a letter to the City Council dated July 15, 1987. <br />City Administrator Overby inspected the Hammes Property on July 21, <br />1987 and a letter with his findings was given to the City Council. <br />The blue house has been put on a permanent foundation, but the <br />Building Official would have to determine if it was completed to code <br />specifications. There is dirt on the northside of the house that can <br />be seen from the road. This will be backfilled in along the house <br />once the cement floor is poured. <br />The County was looking at the scrap lumber that was in the rear pit <br />area and thought this was fill. The Hammeses said this wood has been <br />hauled onto the property to be cut into firewood. Armstrong explained <br />to the Hammeses that they do not have a permit for a landfill. Mr. <br />Hammes responded that no garbage or trash trucks come in, and it is <br />not used as a landfill. Mayor Christ commented about the severe <br />penalties for operating any kind of landfill without a permit. This <br />would jeopardize any chance of renewing a mining permit. <br />Councilman Moe cound not see any lumber or miscellaneous items when he <br />drove down County Rd. 19. The only thing he could see was the <br />mobilehome that is to be used for temporary storage. <br />Councilman Graves felt they have, in general, done a good job in <br />cleaning up their property and have complied with the requirements of <br />their CUP. We are already more than half way through the year, we <br />might as well formalize the CUP for 1987 and then in 1988 review the <br />list of things that have to be accomplished or else the CUP will not <br />be renewed. <br />Councilwoman Armstrong requested a report from Jim McNamara to verify <br />City Administrator Overby's follow-up letter because he is the code <br />enforecment officer and suggested waiting two weeks for this report. <br />Councilman Johnson sees progress, but asked about the mobile home <br />being put on a foundation. Dorothy Lyons responded that the mobile <br />home is a temporary storage building and does not need to be on a <br />permanent foundation as stated in the February 3rd minutes. This <br />building will be used until they build a pole barn, but there was no <br />definite timeframe stated for the mobile homes to be removed. Dorothy <br />added that they want clean fill and do not just take anything, which <br />is entirely different from what people think. <br />Armstrong commented on the fencing from the barn to the north, which <br />is corrugated metal and painted white, has come down and is not what <br />the Council had in mind as far as a barrier because it does not look <br />good. She would like to see something put up that looks better or get <br />something planted. Also the cars parked behind their house across the <br />street are not licensed and do not look good from County Road 19 and <br />would like the Hammeses to do something about that. Armstrong asked <br />if they intended to take down the concrete block building on the <br />fence around it, but they have been too busy with this other work that <br />they have not been able to do anything. Armstrong felt progress has <br />
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