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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 4, 1987 PAGE 10 <br />Mayor Christ felt the City Staff could use their discretion as to the <br />safety factor and take care of it. <br />Councilman Graves thought it would be a good idea that we have an <br />article in the newsletter asking people to try and take some action on <br />their own initiative to trim some of the brush or to be sensitive to <br />the traffic issue that is involved when the Maintenance Department <br />goes around to trim the trees. The Hidden Bay Trail area could be <br />used as an example that it does encumber the City's ability to remove <br />snow from the street when the brush comes up against the edge. We <br />would be able to keep the streets open to a wider degree if the brush <br />was moved back. <br />The consensus of the City Council was to enforce our tree trimming <br />code and to request support or assistance from residents would help <br />take care of the problem and free our maintenance crew to do other <br />maintenance crew tasks. <br />C. County Monitoring Well Pumping at Old Lake Jane Landfill <br />City Engineer Bohrer reported that the contamination levels have been <br />decreasing in most of the monitoring wells at the Lake Jane Landfill <br />due to the continuing air stripping done by the County. The <br />contamination concentration has increased in Monitoring Well I located <br />between Jamaca Avenue and the City Maintenance Building. The County <br />has been given permission from MPCA to perform a mini -air stripping <br />project at that location to see if contamination levels will decrease <br />and are now seeking City approval to do this work. <br />The procedure would consist of pumping water through a garden hose and <br />pulsating lawn sprinkler onto the grass area between Jamaca Avenue and <br />the Maintenance Building. The lawn sprinkler will be moved as <br />necessary to prevent runoff. We have observed the operation and <br />believe that there will be no detrimental effects from this low volume <br />pumping. The County wants to do this pumping to see if this increased <br />level of contaminaton is just a localized pocket or if it is an <br />indication of a different problem. <br />City Engineer Bohrer recommended that the County be allowed to perform <br />this pumping. <br />Councilman Johnson asked what the actual levels are, would like to <br />have his well tested and to pursue these answers because he does not <br />feel air stripping is the solution. <br />Councilman Graves would like to see a larger reassesment of the entire <br />situation from the County which includes how much has the <br />contamination been decreasing in the effluent of the wells, what do <br />they estimate as a timeline for this problem to be resolved, and an <br />action plan submitted with objectives. <br />M/S/P Graves/Johnson - to grant approval of the request by Washincton <br />—eua,it�to conductad -ditiona pumping of contaminated water from <br />monitoring well "I", but also request an action plan from the County <br />with their objectives and direction. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />