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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 4, 1987 PAGE 2 <br />assessment at this point is it is not too urgent to have an attorney, <br />but he would be open and not argue if Mr. Dayton came in and convinced <br />them that the time is now. <br />The Committee will be meeting with Zack Hansen of the County on <br />Wednesday night, August 5th, at 7:30 at the Board Chambers in the <br />Washinton County Court House. At this meeting, the County will have <br />present the engineering firms they have subcontracted to do the <br />EAW/EIS. <br />The Committee will also meet later tonight with Leslie Davis who is <br />proposing t0 consolidate efforts with other organization and they will <br />see what benefit this would be to Lake Elmo <br />The fair booth cost the Committee $400.80. All of these fees have <br />been submitted less $78 so to -date expenses are $1361.27. Treasurer <br />Linda Ramirez did compare this figure with Finance Director Banister <br />and they were accurate to the penny. Also, the treasurer will be <br />setting up an account at the Lake Elmo State Bank in the next two <br />weeks. She is also coordinating a membership drive, where there will <br />be a charge for $10 for each member. <br />5. Public Inquiries <br />There were no public inquiries. <br />6. PLANNING, LAND USE & ZONING <br />A. PUBLIC HEARING: Variance and Shoreland Permit for a <br />Home Addition; 9040 Lake Jane Trail; Mike Wagner. <br />Mayor Christ opened up the public hearing at 7:30 p.m. in the City <br />Council chambers. <br />Public hearing notice was published and sent. There was no one to <br />speak for or against the application. <br />Mike Wagner, 9040 Lake Jane Trail, proposes to build a two story <br />addition (walkout and main level) to the east side of his existing <br />house. Mr. Wagner has applied for a shoreland permit previously, but <br />the applications were not acted upon because of the high level of Lake <br />Jane. Water level controls are now in place on Lake Jane so it is <br />appropriate to consider the shoreland permit at this time. <br />The proposal is to construct a 12' x 16' addition to the east side of <br />the existing house. The walkout level would be a den and the upper <br />level would be a bathroom with spa. No bedrooms are being considered; <br />therefore, no evaluation of the septic system is required. The <br />applicant was advised that even though the addition of a spa does not <br />require upgrading of the septic system, it may put an additional load <br />on the system. The proposed addition does not occupy land usable for <br />an alternate drainEield site. <br />One variance for structure setback from the water is required. The <br />hardship being on the east side of the house is the only place an <br />