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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 4, 1987 PAGE 3 <br />addition can be constructed. The north side of the house is the lake <br />side. The west side is the garage and driveway. The south side is <br />the existing drainfield. The proposed addition does not increase the <br />existing non -conformity. <br />The recent changes in Lake Jane are tabulated as follows: <br />VBWD 100-year flood level 926.0 <br />DNR Normal Ordinary High Water 924.0 <br />Lake Jane on July 29, 1987 923.3 <br />Wagner's walkout level 929.0 <br />As can be seen from the above tabulation, the existing walkout <br />elevation and the proposed addition floor are 3 feet above the <br />100-year flood mark. <br />Setbacks for structures are measured from the NOHW. The existing <br />house is 65 feet from the NOHW and the existing deck and patio are 55 <br />feet from the NOHW The proposed addition will be 65 feet from the <br />NOHW where 100 feet is required. <br />Mayor Christ closed the public hearing at 7:32 p.m. <br />Councilman Graves felt the identified hardship was there was no where <br />else Mr. Wagner could realistically locate the addition on the house. <br />M/S/P Johnson/Graves - to grant Mike Wagner, 9040 Lake Jane Trail, a <br />Shoreland Permit for a Home Addition and a variance to the 100 foot <br />setbsack from the Normal Ordinary High Water elevation based on the <br />hardship being there is no where else to put the addition and the <br />addition is not going to add anymore bedroom space to the house so it <br />would not be an additional load to the septic system. (Motion carried <br />4-0). <br />B. PUBLIC HEARING: Variances and Shoreland Permit for a <br />Deck; 4633 Birchbark Trail; Don Caldwell. <br />Mayor Arlyn Christ opened up the public hearing at 7:45 p.m. in the <br />City Council chambrs. <br />Public hearing notice was published and duly sent. There was no one <br />in the audience to speak for or against the application. <br />Don Caldwell's son-in-law, presented the proposal to repair the <br />existing deck on the north side of his house and construct a new deck <br />--on the east (lake side) of his house. The main deck would be a <br />-floating deck and not supported on footings which would make the deck <br />an independent structure from the house and the other deck. This <br />property abuts Lake Jane and Shoreland regulations apply. <br />City Engineer Bohrer gave the following review: <br />Minimum Building Elevation - The elevation of the existing walkout is <br />927.3 and the lowest deck is assumed to be at the same elevation from <br />the drawing submitted. Minimum building elevation on Lake Jane is 929 <br />