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08-04-87 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
08-04-87 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 4, 1987 PAGE 4 <br />(high flood plus 3 feet). <br />Structure Setback from NOHW - Setbacks are measured from the NOHW <br />elevation of 924. The existing house is 38 feet from the NOHW and the <br />proposed deck will be 26 feet from the NOHW. The construction plan <br />show steps leading down from the deck toward the water; therefore, the <br />actual setback will be less than 26 feet. <br />Two variances are required: structure setback of 26 feet where 100 <br />feet is required; and building elevation of 927.3 where 929 is <br />required. <br />Mayor Christ closed the public hearing at 7:55 p.m. <br />Councilman Johnson would be in favor of granting the variances because <br />he felt a deck was not in the same category as an addition with <br />permanent foundation and not much different from a well-built dock put <br />out on the shoreline. The cost of potential damage in case of a flood <br />is not that great. <br />Councilman Graves could support granting the variances because it is a <br />deck and the lower unit is not structurally attached to the house and <br />it would be a floating structure. <br />M/S/P Graves/Johnson - to grant a shoreland permit for a deck to Don <br />Caldwell at 4633 Birchbark Trail and grant a variance to allow a <br />structure setback of 26 feet where 100 feet is required and grant a <br />variance to allow a building elevation of 927.3 where 929 is required <br />based on the hardship being the topography of the land makes <br />construction of the deck anywhere else on the property inappropriate. <br />(Motion carried 4-0). <br />C. Federal Land Company: Request for Comprehensive Plan <br />Amendment and Approval of a General Concept Plan for a <br />Mixed -Use Planned Unit Development at the NW corner of <br />Co. 19B & I-94. <br />Charles Bartholdi, moderator for Federal Land Company, explained the <br />application before them is a continuation of an application which was <br />first heard on November 21, 1980. At that time, it was heard by a <br />joint meeting of the Planning Commission and the City Council. <br />Following this presentation and discussion, the matter was tabled <br />until a firm construction plan for County road 19 could be obtained. <br />Since that time Federal Land Company has worked very diligently with <br />the City of Lake Elmo and the State of Minnesota and Washington County <br />in determining the location alignment and nature of County Road 19. <br />This last year, final condemanation proceedings were held regarding <br />Cty Rd 19 so now they know where the alignment is and the type of road <br />and as a result, are in front of the Council with a continuation of <br />that previous hearing. <br />BarthOld.-i 2ddQ-d-- that in its , <br />proposing a two-phase project. Phase Iconsists of a 120,000 sq.ft. <br />retail shopping center, a gas station and a bank building.. All of <br />these facilities would be constructed with on -site utilities and fully <br />
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