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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 1, 1987 PAGE 6 <br />Mayor Christ spoke in support of the Planning Commission's <br />recommendation for denial and the city staff's findings of fact and <br />called the proposal an inappropriate high density use that is not <br />consistent with our rural character and well beyond the boundaries of <br />the metro area at this point in time. <br />Councilwoman Armstrong has read the minutes of the City Council <br />meetings and the Planning Commission meetings and feels this is <br />inappropriate for our Comprehensive Plan and for the plans of the <br />City. Armstrong did not recall any map showing quarter sections that <br />would be Business along the highway. <br />Councilman Johnson explained this would be an appropriate development <br />if indeed the metropolitan sewer were extended to this facility, which <br />it is not. Even though the proposal included a plan for on -site sewer <br />treatment, the city could still be held liable if problems surface. <br />Any necessary remedial measure for such facilities are, as a rule, the <br />city's responsibility, Johnson quoted from a letter from Barbara <br />Senness of the Metropolitan Council. <br />Councilman Graves admitted he had concerns about details of the <br />project, but felt we were putting the cart before the horse since <br />Federal Land Company seems willing to work with the City. The Council <br />should first decide whether to allow PUD in the area and then modify <br />the project as necessary before proceeding to the next step. <br />Councilman Moe was in favor of amending the Comprehensive Plan for a <br />PUD and would be willing to work with Federal Land to come up with <br />something that is agreeable with the City. <br />M/S/F Moe/Graves - to approve the request by Federal Land Company for <br />a Planned Unit Development for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment for a <br />General Concept Plan for a Mixed Use PUD at the NW Corner of Co. <br />Rd.19B and I-94. (Motion failed 2-3<Armstrong, Johnson, Christ>). <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Johnson - to adopt Resolution 87-46 for denial of the <br />amendment to the 1986 Comprehensive Plan to allow a PUD future land <br />use at the Federal Land Company Site based on the 11 Findings of Fact <br />prepared by the City Staff which proved the incompatibility of this <br />proposal with our Comprehensive Plan and based on the recommendation <br />by the Planning and Zoning Commission. (Motion carried <br />3-2<Graves,Moe>). <br />D. Final Plat--Springborn Green Acres 2nd Addition <br />This request is for Final Plat approval of an 11-lot subdivision <br />located north of Lake Jane, on a temporary cul-de-sac off of Jamaca <br />Blvd. N. <br />The Planning Commission reviewed the Preliminary Plat on 4-27-87 and <br />, <br />contingent upon the conditions in the City Engineer's review letter <br />and to look at an urban street versus a rural street. <br />