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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 1, 1987 PAGE 7 <br />The City Council approved the Preliminary Plat on 6-2-87 "as <br />presented; subject to the lot lines being moved 50 feet to the north <br />in order to get one acre for septic system on one lot". <br />The Planning Commission voted on 8-24-87 to recommend that the City <br />Council approve the Final Plat, subject to including the road easement <br />for the temporary cul-de-sac. <br />City Engineer Bohrer's final plat review, dated August 24, 1987 to the <br />Planning Commission stated that the final plat has been reviewed for <br />conformance to the approved preliminary plat and the City Code. Lot <br />1, Block 1 was increased in size so that it meets the code requirement <br />for drainfield area. The developer proposed to furnish the city with <br />permanent road easements sufficient for the temporary cul-de-sac at <br />the south end of Isle Avenue. This method adequately protects the <br />city's interest in the cul-de-sac. <br />M/S/P Moe/Graves - to adopt Resolution 87-47 approving the Final Plat <br />for Springborn's Green Acres 2nd Addition, subject to inclusion of the <br />easement for the temporary cul-de-sac on the plat map; contingent upon <br />the applicant conforming to the recommendations of the City Engineer, <br />which may include, but not be limited to applicant entering into a <br />developers agreement with the City, park dedication fee in the amount <br />of $250 per lot. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />E. Final Plat --Lake Jane Highlands <br />This request is for Final Plat approval of an 8-lot subdivision <br />located NE of Lake Jane, on a cul-de-sac off Lake Jane Court. <br />The Planning Commission reviewed the Preliminary Plat on 1-26-87 and <br />again on 2-9-87. Approval by the City Council was recommended, <br />"contingent upon the correction of the safety problems that exist upon <br />the hill on Jane Court North by whatever means the City Council feels <br />necessary with a recommendation to extend Lake Jane Court to 45th or <br />47th Street and contingent on the approval of the drainage <br />requirements by the VBWD". <br />The Planning Commission voted on 8-24-87 to recommend that the City <br />Council not approve Lake Jane Highlands at this time due to the safety <br />problem which exists has not been properly addressed and that street <br />sanding alone was not sufficient. <br />City Engineer Bohrer reported in his Final Plat Review that Lake Jane <br />Highlands is in conformance with the City's platting requirements in a <br />letter dated August 24, 1987 to the Planning Commission. He added the <br />following request should be added to conform to the City Platting <br />requirements. <br />1. All lot corners shall be placed and shall be shown <br />on the final plat. The submitted plat only shows <br />the block corners. <br />2. Lot sizes, to the hundredth of an acre, shall be <br />shown on the final plat. <br />