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11-17-87 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
11-17-87 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 17, 1987 PAGE 3 <br />review late -submitted soil test information on the proposed septic <br />drainfield site and so that "findings of fact" could be prepared for <br />the variance request. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - to remove request for variances from Joseph and <br />Donna Hinrichs off the table. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />Joseph and Donna Hinrichs proposed to purchase the property at 812E <br />Hill Trail North from Steven Grabski and construct a home thereon. <br />The site plan, as proposed, would require at least three variances. <br />This matter was continued from the last meeting so that the City <br />Attorney could prepare findings of fact on the matter. The City <br />Attorney distributed his findings of fact dated November 17, 1987. <br />M/S/P Graves/Johnson - to deny the shoreland permit and variance <br />requests by Joseph and Donna Hinrichs for 8126 Hill Trail N. based on <br />the City Attorney's findings of fact dated November 17, 1987. (Md(ion <br />carried 5-0). <br />In a related matter, the Building Inspector was instructed to inspect <br />the abandoned cabin on the property and determine if the house should <br />be condemned and demolished. If there is an abandoned well, it will <br />have to be closed in an acceptable manner. <br />C. Large Lot Subdivision, Douglas DeCoster <br />Mr. DeCoster wishes to subdivide 40 acres of Rural Residential zoned <br />property into two 10 acre lots and one 20-acre parcel. The property <br />is located one-half mile west of the intersection of loth Street and <br />Inwood Avenue. <br />The two lots and the one parcel all meet the zoning ordinance <br />requirements for lot area, width and depth. The generalized soil <br />survey map indicates that the soils on the two 10-acre lots are <br />suitable for septic systems. A 50 foot minimum structure setback from <br />the right-of-way property line is required by City Code. Washington <br />County will be upgrading CO. Road 70 in 1990 and the minimum setback <br />from the new road will then be 125 feet from the road centerline after <br />the County purchases the right of way. The applicant and/or potential <br />purchasers should be aware of this. <br />The Planning Commission reviewed this request on 11-9-87 and <br />recommended that the City Council approve the application by Douglas <br />DeCoster to subdivide a 40 acre parcel with the provision that land <br />purchasers be informed of the County road project and the need for a <br />125 foot setback. <br />M/S/P Moe/Graves - to adopt Resolution 87-54 approving the large lot <br />subdivision request by Douglas DeCoster to split an existing 40 acre <br />parcel located in the SW corner of Section 28 into two 10-acre lots <br />and one 20-acre parcel provided that land purchasers be informed of <br />the scheduled upyradiny of CC). Rd. 70 (t0th Street) arid tile s <br />need for a 125 foot setback and contingent on the applicant providing <br />the City with a Certificate of survey and park dedication fee for the <br />newly created lots. (Motion carried 4-0-1<Abstain: Armstrong>). <br />
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