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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 5, 1988 PAGE 3 <br />position until the City Administrator job vacancy has been filled. <br />i <br />E. Appointment of the Council to act as the Personnel, Budget, <br />and Capital Improvement Committees <br />Since 1985, the Council has chosen to act as a committee of the whole <br />to discuss these areas as needed during the year. The City Staff <br />feels that this arrangement has worked well and suggests that the <br />Council continue the procedure for 1988. <br />Steve DeLapp, Chairman of the Planning Commission, explained that he <br />found out at a seminar that he attended that the Planning Commission <br />should be involved by statutory law as a reviewing body on the Capital <br />Improvements. City Attorney Knaak will research this and report back <br />to the Council. <br />M/S/P Johnson/Graves - to appoint the entire City Council to serve as <br />a Committee of the whole for budget and personnel matters. (Motion <br />carried 4-0). <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - to table the appointment of the entire City Council <br />to serve as a committee of the whole for capital improvements until <br />the City Attorney research the statutes requiring the Planning <br />Commission to serve as a reviewing body. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />F. Appointment of City Representatives to Community <br />Education Advisory Boards <br />Nancy Hansen was appointed to the ISD 834 Community Education Advisory <br />Board in 1987. Rosemary Armstrong was appointed to the ISD 622 <br />Community Education Advisory Board in 1987. Each of them have <br />expressed an interest for reappointments for 1988. <br />M/S/P Moe/Graves - to reappoint Nancy Hansen and Rosemary Armstrong to <br />serve on the Community Education Advisory Boards of ISD 834 and 622, <br />respectively, for 1988. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />G. Appointments to Cable Commission <br />Maynard Eder and David Garloff are the City's representatives to the <br />Ramsey -Washington Counties Suburban Cable Commission. <br />M/S/P Moe//Graves - to appoint Maynard Eder and David Garloff as the <br />City's Cable Commission representatives in 1988. (Motion carried <br />4-0). <br />H. Appointment to the Landfill Site Selection Authority <br />In 1986, Dave Morgan was appointed to serve as the City's <br />representative to the Washington County landfill Site Selection <br />Authority. The County Commissioners are the other 5 members of this <br />group. The Site Selection Authority has the function of meeting to <br />review the EIS for the proposed Site G in Lake Elmo Park Reserve, <br />determine the adequacy of the EIS, and make a recommendation to the <br />Metro Council. This authority will not meet until Spring of 1989 <br />