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10-18-88 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
10-18-88 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 18, 1988 <br />Mayor Christ opened up the public hearing at 8:12 p.m <br />Council chambers. <br />PAGE 2 <br />in the City <br />Gregg Dovolis is requesting signs to identify existing and future <br />tenants in the D.C. Sales building at 9240 Hudson Blvd. There are <br />four tenant spaces and five store fronts. (D.C. Sales, D.C. Sales <br />showroom, Country Side Poo]., White Wolf and space for 1 future <br />tenant). This would bring the total number of signs on the property to <br />six signs, which is being requested. <br />Jim McNamara, Building Official, stated that Mr. Dovolis' property <br />frontage is 330 lineal feet. Per our Sign Ordinance, Section 505.320, <br />his piece of property is allowed three business signs. (2 signs for <br />first 150 linear ft.; one sign for each additional 150 linear feet). <br />Jim presented pictures showing the placement of signage on the D.C. <br />Sales Building. <br />Due to the number of tenant spaces (4), Mr. Dovolis is requesting a <br />total of six business signs. Three of the six signs are existing <br />business signs. The new signs are proposed to be 3 ft. wide by 15 ft. <br />long (45 sq.ft. each). A "White Wolf." sign is existing which was <br />installed without the necessary permit and which is over our maximum <br />allowed square footage of 200 sq.ft. per sign. The other existing <br />signs are a sign for Countryside Pool and a pedestal sign located near <br />the front propertyline. <br />Steve DeLapp, Chairman of the Planning Commission, stated when D.C. <br />Sales came in with their Site Plan and Building Review for a 17,000 <br />sq.ft. addition, it was to be used as a warehouse for their products. <br />The building was occupied by D.C. Sales and two tenants; the White <br />Wolf and BRS, Inc. The constructed building, now, consists of four <br />tenants and a fifth store entrance for. the D.C. Sales showroom which <br />was not the application approved by the P7, nor the City Council. <br />DeLapp noted that this addition proposal came in after the I-94 <br />highway was constructed. <br />Roger Chalberg, a potential leasee, stated he would like an attractive <br />sign for his business that faces I-94. <br />Gregg Dovolis stated his hardship without this signage would be no way <br />to identify where specific tenants are in the building. They have an <br />attractive building with tenants trying to do business and prosper. <br />Since they put in I-94 they are back another 300' and if the signs at <br />night are unlighted, the tenants would be impossible to locate. <br />The White Wolf representative, stated this .land had been zoned <br />commercial for years, and without signs, it cannot stand out as a <br />commercial section. <br />Mayor Christ closed the public hearing at 8:47 p.m. <br />
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