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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 18, 1988 PAGE 3 <br />The Council understood the importance of signs to advertise business, <br />l_ but felt our sign ordinance was reasonable and a hardship was not <br />shown to justify granting a variance. The Council suggested the <br />applicant work with the staff to find an acceptable alternative within <br />standards set by our sign ordinance. <br />M/S/P Johnson/Armstrong - resolved that the Council hereby denies the <br />request of D.C. Sales, for a variance to the permissable number of <br />signs, based upon no proof of hardship being provided. (Motion <br />carried 5-0). <br />6. FIRE CHIEF'S REPORT: <br />A. Award of Bid, Personnel Carrier & Equipment Package <br />On September 19th, the City received two bids for the 1989 4-wheel <br />drive personnel carrier from Thane -Hawkins Polar Chevrolet, Inc. and <br />Stillwater Motor Co.. Fire Chief Fran Pott received quotes on the <br />equipment package the week of October 3rd which were addressed in his <br />October 17th memo to the Council and City Administrator.. <br />Fire Chief Pott explained that the Fire Department officers <br />recommended that the City Council accept the bids from Stillwater <br />Motors Co., General Safety Equip. Corp. and Motorola Inc. for the <br />carrier and three parts to the personnel carrier. Fran added that it <br />was in the best interest of the fire department to buy the vehicle <br />from the low bidder, Stillwater Motor Co. $17,640.00, who will also be <br />less than two miles away if warranty adjustments or repairs are <br />required. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - resolved that the bid of $17,640.00 by Stillwater <br />Motor Co., for the Fire Department 4-Wheel drive personnel carrier is <br />hereby approved; and further that the equipment package quote of <br />General Safety Equip. Corp., in the amount of $2,610.00 and the Radio <br />Package from Motorola Inc. in the amount of $1,332.00 is hereby <br />approved in accordance wih the recommendations of the Fire Chief; and <br />further that payment of the aforementioned shall be accomplished <br />through the issuance of an Equipment Certificate. (Motion carried <br />5-0). <br />7. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. Development Agreement: Brookman 3rd Addn. <br />Larry Bohrer, City Engineer, reviewed the proposed Developers <br />Agreement for. Brockman 3rd Addition. Larry stated this agreement is <br />different from agreements in the past because the City Engineer will <br />be providing most of the design and inspection of the improvements. <br />It is also unique in that the developers are willing to provide <br />watermai_n looping outside the subdivision if they have some assurance <br />of getting reimbursed if and when those other areas develop or <br />connect. Also, right -of -•way for Layton Avenue north of 39th Street is <br />provided for future connection to the adjoining unsubdivided tract in <br />accordance with Section 401.380A of the City Code, but the <br />construction of the road is not part of the developer's required <br />improvements. <br />