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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIh MINUTES OCTOBER 18, 1988 PAGE 4 <br />City Eng. Larry <br />Bohrer explained how the the watermain looping would benefit City Hall. <br />with reliability and more quantity of water available. It would also <br />benefit other properties other than Brookman Properties such as the <br />Hagberg Country Market, C.A. and Pete Schiltgen. Councilmen <br />Graves and Johnson suggested informing these propertyowners of the <br />availability of city water and the potential cost of watermain hookup <br />and to obtain their concerns. <br />Bohrer emphas ed. tli t this agreement does not obligate the City to <br />charge these �rwmowners--the agreement states it is "intended" <br />that this be done. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - resolved that the Developer's Agreement for <br />Brookman 3rd Addition is hereby approved; contingent upon an <br />informational meeting on potential cost of watermain hookup held <br />between the City Engineer, City Administator, Bruce Folz and the three <br />affected propertyowners (Hagberg's Country Market, C.A. Gerbitz, Peter <br />Schiltgen) are in agreement, and for the City Administrator to bring <br />back any concerns to the Council. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />B. Striping Policy for Local Streets (Cont. 10/4) <br />Mayor Christ requested this item be deleted, as the propertyowners on <br />36th Street will not be presenting a petition for not striping 36th <br />Street. Larry Bohrer stated that the rest of the streets scheduled <br />for striping have been striped. He will try to get 36th Street striped <br />this year, but with temperature constraints, it may be done next year. <br />C. Status on 33rd Street and Klondike Road Improvements <br />City Engineer, Larry Bohrer, reported that the improvement- on 33rd St-. <br />and Klondike was ordered in when the other overlays were done. This <br />project is a different type of construction program because it does <br />include the overlay and also some major patching, plus culverts and <br />ditches for drainage. Because of this, there is permit requirements <br />that need to be worked out with the Railroad. There are two items that <br />we will be receiving quotes on: Ditching, Culverts and Patching. Both <br />of these items are under $15,000 each. The overlay will be done in <br />1989. Larry requested that the Council grant authority to the City <br />Engineer and City Administrator to receive the quotes and award the <br />work based on the lowest responsible quote. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - to grant the authority to the City Administrator <br />and City Engineer to get quotes for these two items, ditching, <br />culverts and patching for the 33rd Street and Klondike Street <br />Improvement Project, and grant the work based on the lowest <br />responsible quote. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />8. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: <br />City Attorney Knaak reported that they will be delivering the Section <br />32 appeal to the Court on Friday, October 21, 1988. The deadline for <br />the appeal is Monday, October 24th. <br />