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10-18-88 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
10-18-88 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 18, 1988 PAGE 5 <br />9. UPDATE ON PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL ESTATES ORDINANCE <br />At the meeting of the Study Committee on the RE Estates proposal, the <br />question was raised whether this type of zoning could be put in the <br />Comprehensive Plan for specified geographical. areas, without the <br />actual zoning map and zoning code being immediately changed to <br />correspond to the new plan. Knaak had found that the statutes <br />governing implementation of comprehensive plans provide no other <br />express means of implementing the kind of regulation contained in <br />residential estates other than the Zoning Code. It is necessary to <br />provide for uniform zoning districts as incorporated in zoning maps. <br />Knaak clarified the following recommendation in his letter to the <br />Council, dated October 18, 1988. If it is the intention of the City <br />Counci� lto pass a residential estates type of zoning within the City <br />of Lak ,A�-r should be in an area geographically defined as is the case <br />of other zoning areas within the City of Lake Elmo and situated on the <br />Lake Elmo zoning map. The criteria specified for residential estates <br />must be laid out fully in the Zoning Code as would be the case with <br />other zoning areas indicated on the map. <br />It is not necessary to adopt in the Zoning Code all of those areas <br />which the comprehensive plan indicates will be residential estate zone <br />in the future. It is, however, his opinion that some zoning area <br />within the City must be initially zoned residential estates to <br />effectuate an overall plan of eventually zoning other. areas. <br />The Council suggested that residential estates zoning areas be <br />identified based on soils, traffic flows and relation to services. <br />The Council wants to give flexability for people to use their land, <br />but does not want to see spotzoning in the City. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe -• resolved that the City Staff, Engineer, Attorney <br />and Planner are hereby directed to finalize the procedure, ordinance <br />and map, in accordance with Council direction, and submit for final <br />Council consideration. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />10. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />A. Ski Trail Grooming Agreement, Washington Co. <br />A standard agreement we have had in the past with Washington County tc <br />groom the cross-country ski trails in Sunfish Park was presented for <br />Council's review. The City Administrator had no problem with the <br />agreement. She is reviewing the feasibility of requesting grant monies <br />from the DNR and this will be pursued if it is determined it is cost <br />effective and timely. <br />M/S/P Moe/Johnson - resolved that the Council hereby approves the Ski <br />Trail. Grooming Agreement with Washington County for the grooming of <br />Cross -Country ski trails in Sunfish Park. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />
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