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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 1, 1.988 PAGE 4 <br />proposing a land lease between Apostolic Bible Church and Northwestern <br />Bell Telephone Company for a term of 25 years. <br />Lake Elmo is presently serviced out of Maplewood. This building will <br />serve a radius of about 25 miles and provide additional telephone <br />services. There will be no outside antenna or. dishes. Adjoining <br />property owners signatures were received from Gina Seipel, 8890 loth <br />St. N, and Joe Roos of the Apostolic Church acknowledging that Alma <br />Fitzloff, NWB, had shown them the site plan of the proposed telephone <br />building on Inwood Avenue and loth Street. Alma had talked to Donald <br />Olenchak who indicated he had no bad feelings on placement of a <br />telephone building. Mr. Whirtman was not available for comments. <br />Councilwoman Armstrong commented this was a commercial building and <br />would like to see available a small piece of commercial property. The <br />City of Lake Elmo has slow growth and in the next five years does not <br />anticipate the City would look any different than today. Another <br />concern was a land lease with the Apostolic Church, when the Church <br />has not received Council approval for their application. <br />Alma responded if the Apostolic Church decides not to build, the land <br />leases goes with the property. Therefore, whoever purchases the <br />property the lease will go with it. <br />Administrator Morrison commented that a possible precedent had been <br />set by the City with approval of the NWB and NSP buiding and it may be <br />inappropriate to question zoning for placement of this public utility <br />building. An alternative to addressing the zoning question would be <br />to amend our code to incorporate such a building as a permitted use in <br />all zoning districts or to rezone this site to PF and deem it to be an <br />incidental and subordinate use to allowed uses. Morrison recommended <br />this building be deemed a public service facility, and, as such it <br />would be permitted just as NSP sub -stations, transmission lines, etc. <br />are currently permitted. <br />Councilman Johnson suggested we work on our ordinance to permit such <br />facilities. Before discVssi n cot� ld. e continued, Councilman PIoe called <br />the question on the motion listed be ow: <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - resolve that the City Council hereby approves the <br />building and site plan of Northwestern Bell to install a remote <br />terminal building on property generally located at Co. Rd. 10 and <br />Inwood Avenue; contingent upon the applicant meeting the following <br />condition-- (Mot'Qn carried 3-1<Armst odng: they were still in discussion <br />as to how we cou�d work this out and lia nbt come to a conclusion.) <br />1.. side setback of 25' and front setback of 50' be met; <br />2. a copy of an executed lease agreement, between Northwestern <br />Bell and Apostolic Bible Church (owner of the property) be <br />submitted to the City; <br />3, the architecture and landscaping requirements, as set by <br />the ordinance, be adherred to and reviewed and approved by <br />( City Staff. <br />