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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 2.1, 1989 PAGE; 2 <br />Todd advised the Council that they will be meeting with Attorney <br />Dayton, at his office, on March 3rd at 10:00 a.m.. An invitation was <br />extended to the Council and City Administrator to attend the meeting <br />for the purpose of discussing Dayton's potential conflict of interest <br />with representing Minneapolis burner constructors versus a landfill <br />that might have to receive the ash from that burner. <br />The City Administrator was asked to draft a. thank your letter to Earth <br />Protector for the Steve Gadler award. <br />B. Recycling Recommendation <br />A copy of the proposal from Bellaire Sanitation, Inc, for providing <br />curbside recycling services at Cimarron Park was provided for the <br />Council's review. A copy of the contract with TMT Recycling, for six <br />months, for the entire City, excluding Cimarron Home Park was <br />provided. Councilman Williams provided copies of his proposed changes <br />to the Bellaire Sanitation, Inc. and TMT, Inc. recycling contracts. <br />Bruce Dunn, Chairman of the Solid Waste Committee, advised the Council <br />the participation rate in Cimarron has not been good and felt part of <br />the problem can be attributed to lack of space for storing recyclables <br />for an entire month. This is why Bellaire's proposal. for co -mingle, <br />twice a month, container provided, 45 cents per month curbside <br />recycling is unanimously supported by the Lake Elmo Solid Waste <br />Advisory Committee, as well as the management at Cimarron. <br />John Maroney, TMT, commented that their service has to be looked at in <br />a comparative manner. The price he is charging for once -a -month <br />service is comparative to everyone else that picks up once -a -month. <br />Maroney found the process of co -mingling interesting and pointed out <br />an article that stated out of 600 programs that are operating in the <br />U.S. now, there was not any mention of co -mingling. There is a program <br />out east which is using $2 million worth of equipment to separate the <br />material. Washington and Ramsey Counties received a $50,000 grant <br />from the Met Council to study the idea of putting in the equipment at <br />the NSP plant to separate recyclables there and found it was not <br />financially feasible to do this. Maroney added he had no objections <br />with the Bellaire proposal, if co -mingling works its great, but he was <br />a little skeptical. <br />M/S/P Williams/Graves - to award a one-year recycling contract to <br />Bellaire Sanitation, Inc., for twice a month curbside recycling in <br />Cimarron Mobile Home Park at a cost of 45 cents per household per <br />month (as outlined in Bellaire's proposal); contingent upon Bellaire <br />Sanitation entering into a contract with the City of Lake Elmo; and <br />to renew the contract with TMT Recycling, for <br />once -a -month curbside recycling at a cost of <br />per month, for the entire City of Lake Elmo, <br />Home Park; contingent upon TMT entering into <br />of Lake Elmo. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />5. PLANNING/LAND USE/ZONING: <br />six months, for <br />45 cents per household, <br />excluding Cimarron Mobile <br />a contract with the City <br />