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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 21, 1989 PAGE 4 <br />aware of the resolution when he applied and was unfair to keep <br />continuing the application process. Since adoption of this resolution, <br />previous Councils have rezoned three parcels to R-1, i.e., Packard <br />Park 1, Packard Park 2, and David Nelson Estates. Morrison suggested a <br />possible moratorium be set on applications because there are three <br />applications now for Rl development. Graves agreed that if we are <br />going to look into the broader issues such as lot inventory, we should, <br />go into a moratorium. <br />Councilman Hunt suggested any moratorium should have an agressive cap <br />and would be up to the PZ and the City staff as to the importance of <br />this issue to try and get this resolved. <br />MIS/ Graves/Hunt - to direct the City Attorney to render a legal <br />opinion on the status of Resolution 83-56, what are the constraints of <br />this resolution on any future rezoning or lack of rezoning of property <br />in the stated affected area, and if we decide to have a moratorium <br />what is the legal status of any pending rezoning applications. <br />Bruce Folz_stated this application was 9 months old and asked the <br />Council for a decision. Folz added, if the Council has legitimate <br />concerns and needs or request some information, he would do that, but <br />everytime this proposal is brought up, something comes up and more <br />information is needed. <br />Hunt clarified that when the proposal was originally made, it was <br />stated that a decision would be postponed until the VBWD returned its <br />report, which was expected in l to 2 months, but came in January. One <br />of the reasons it was postponed and not turned down, Hunt stated, if <br />it was turned down there is a 6 month delay before the applicant can <br />come in with the same rezoning request. Postponement was done to <br />attempt to aid the applicant. <br />Councilman Williams stated "the City is under no obligation to provide <br />R-1 land, where the City is under some moral obligation to provide <br />residential land which could be l 1/2 acres or 10 acres." <br />Discussion followed on whether the inventory request should include <br />R-1 lots available in the City or all residential buildable lots <br />available for sale in the City. Hunt gave his reason for asking for <br />this inventory expansion was "the goal of Lake Elmo was to remain a <br />sewer -free community, in order to retain this, we need to watch land <br />density. With this inventory study, we can find out where we are and <br />we can insure reaching our goal of a sewer -free City, except for <br />Section 32." <br />Administrator Morrison explained that the Building Official is working <br />on an inventory of RI buildable lots available in the City, to be <br />submitted at the March 7th meeting. <br />Councilman Graves agreed we needed an inventory of land available for <br />residential development as part of long range planning, but as far as <br />( a purpose of looking at this development, he would like the inventory <br />be limited to R-1 lots submitted by the March 7th meeting so the <br />Council can consider the Packard Park application, and called the <br />question. <br />