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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 21, 1989 PAGE 5 <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - called the question. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />M/S/F Hunt/Williams - to amend the motion to instruct the Building <br />Official to take an inventory of all buildable residential lots to be <br />submitted by the March 7th Council meeting. (Motion failed 2-3 <br />Dunn,Moe, Graves:felt taking inventory of all buildable lots was too <br />inclusive and would rather see the inventory limited to Rl available <br />lots so this can be accomplished by March 7th.) <br />M/S/P Graves/Hunt - to direct the City Attorney to render a legal <br />opinion on the status of Resolution 83-56, what are the constraints of <br />this resolution on any future rezonings or lack of rezonings of <br />property stated in the affected area, and if the Council should decide <br />to have a moratorium on all applications for R-1 zoning until <br />Residential Zoning is decided, what is the legal status of any pending <br />zoning applications. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />M/S/P Hunt/Williams - to postpone consideration of the rezoning <br />request from RR to R1 by Gene Peltier for Packard Park, 3rd Addition <br />until March 7, 1989 Council meeting. (Motion carried 5-0)-. <br />6. RESOLUTION NO. 89-16: Legislation re: Municipal. Board Authority <br />The City Attorney drafted, and handed out at the last meeting a <br />Resolution for Council consideration. This was postponed to this <br />meeting to allow the Council time for review. <br />Councilman Graves agreed with the general tenure and content of the <br />resolution. He had a problem with the statement "strongly supports <br />any and all efforts to eliminate any authority on the part of the <br />Municipal Board to authorize detachments and annexation" because he <br />believes the mechanism should be modified, and he has talked to Fritz <br />Knaak about amending the submitted bill, to allow a community to have <br />a defined period, either 45 or 60 days, to veto any proposed <br />detachment/annexations. Graves did not support the bill as presented, <br />but he does believe the City should be capable, and should be allowed <br />to have a strong say in their ability to maintain their city borders, <br />but that the city has to be sensitive to the need of the <br />propertyholders and try to work with them to make fair and appropriate <br />use of their land, in concert with the needs of the community. <br />Councilman Moe objected to the verbage of Page 1, 8th paragraph, <br />constant use of a comprehensive plan that is only partially completed <br />and in effect, on Page 1, 8th paragraph, he takes exception to "seized <br />upon by developers" he does not know that developers are in on this <br />petition, but only propertyowners that wanted to be annexed. <br />Moe didn't see anything stated that would be beneficial to both <br />cities --only sees beneficial to the City itself. He didn't see <br />anything stated for the landowner who pays his taxes and lives here. <br />Therefore, he could not support this resolution. <br />The following changes were made to the resolution: <br />