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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 21, 1.989 PAGE 6 <br />On the 2nd page, 3rd paragraph, changes to read.... efforts to restrict <br />authority on the part of the Municipal Board.... (delete "eliminate <br />any" add "restrict"). <br />On the 2nd page, 4th paragraph, changes to read "and, in particular, <br />supports efforts of the legislature which would effect the purposes <br />stated in this resolution." <br />MIS/ Graves/Hunt - to approve Resolution 89-16 as amended (refer to <br />2nd page, changes in 3rd and 4th paragraph) <br />M/S/P Hunt/Williams - to amend the motion to include: to direct the <br />City Administrator to forward copies of Resolution 89-16 to Senator <br />Laidig and Representative McPherson asking for their support. (Motion <br />carried 4-1 Moe). <br />M/S/P Graves/Hunt - to approve Resolution 89-16 as amended (refer to <br />2nd page, changes in 3rd and 4th paragraph) and direct the City <br />Administrator to forward copies of Resolution 89-16 to Senator Laidig <br />and Representative McPherson asking for their support. (Motion <br />carried 4-1 Moe). <br />7. Appointment of Parks Commission Members <br />There is currently three vacancies on the Parks Committee, one voting <br />member and two alternates. We have received four applications and the <br />applicants have been invited to the meeting. Parks Chairman Nancy <br />Hansen has submitted her recomendations for your consideration. <br />M/S/F Graves/Moe - to appoint Gerry Langfitt, Ron Kuehn, Kestutis <br />Tautvydas to the Parks Commission. (Motion failed 2-3 Hunt, Williams, <br />Dunn). <br />Councilman Graves explained there was no representative from Cimarron <br />on the Parks Commission. He felt it was very appropriate a <br />representative from Cimarron serve on the Parks Commission since it <br />delineates 25% of the population. <br />Councilman Williams made the following motion based on the Parks Chair <br />recommendation: <br />M/S/P Williams/Hunt - resolved that the Council hereby appoints, to <br />serve a three year term, the following persons to the Parks Committee: <br />Ron Kuehn, Full Voting Member, Kestutis Tautvydas as First Alternate <br />and Karin Enes as Second Alternate. (Motion carried 3-2 Moe: referred <br />to Ordinance 210 where it stated wherever possible a commission member <br />should represent all geographical areas of the City, Graves: he <br />thanked all four applicants for applying, and respected Chair Hansen's <br />recommendations, but felt other items should be looked at before a <br />decision is made). <br />Councilman Hunt clarified his vote for the parks commission <br />appointments were based on the recommendations of Parks Commission <br />Chairman, Nancy Ilansen. <br />