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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 21, 1989 PAGE 8 <br />Downs Lake outlet first is because they know for sure that outlet has <br />district wide significance. Part of the MN Statutes Chapter 509 <br />requires local communities within a certain period of time to develop <br />their own local drainage plan to conform to the overall plan, and we <br />have not heard from the VBWD when this deadline is. They may consider <br />Legion Pond and Eden Park Pond to be of that local significance that <br />we should address in the City's own plan. The reason for this is that <br />Legion Pond does not receive surface water from area outside the city <br />limits. Concern was raised on the process getting bogged down further <br />if other bodies of water are included in the resolution. <br />M/S/P Williams/Graves - to amend the motion to include: Further, Lake <br />Elmo expresses its concern that high water problems on Legion Pond, <br />32nd Street Pond, among others, still remain unsolved and request <br />inclusion of those waters in a comprehensive analysis of region -wide <br />drainage options. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />One of the residents that would be stranded in Eden Park, spoke <br />against the concept because he feels the large amount of money spent <br />for a solution to a problem that may occur once in 34 years doesn't <br />make sense, where flood insurance can be bought at $200-$300 a house. <br />Tim Mandel responded "we are already spending money and we are not <br />getting anything for it." <br />M/S/P Williams/Graves - Resolved: that the City Council of Lake Elmo <br />expresses its dissatisfaction with the options presented by the Valley <br />Branch Watershed District in its Downs Lake Study, dated January 13, <br />1989, because the options do not provide relief from high water to the <br />residents around Eden Park Pond, and, <br />Further, the City Council of Lake Elmo requests the Valley Branch <br />Watershed District Board of Managers, to study other options which <br />will give relief from high water to the residents around Eden Park <br />Pond by providing some surface water outlet from Eden Park Pond and <br />Durand's Pond, including, but not limited to, the options proposed by <br />the Lake Elmo City Engineer Bohrer in his letter to the City Council <br />of February 7, 1989. <br />Now, therefore, be it resolved, that the Lake Elmo City Council hereby <br />requests that the VBWD include a project to provide an outlet to Downs <br />Lake i-acerporrat-e-the-r-eaol-ut�ien-of- the.- i�ow s:Lake-ca�t4at, i.n their <br />Capital Improvement Plan, as a Chapter 509 Project, and, (Amended) <br />Further, that Lake Elmo expresses its concern on high water problems <br />on Legion. Pond, 32nd St. Pond, among others, which still remain <br />unsolved, and requests inclusion of those waters in a comprehensive <br />analysis of region -wide drainage options. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />The City staff will write Al Dornfeld a letter and submit to him the <br />Resolution recommended by the Council. If he has questions, he can <br />appear before the City Council for recommendations. The Eden Park <br />Residents were asked to contact the City on a monthly basis for an <br />update. <br />