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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 21, 1989 PAGE 9 <br />City Engineer Bohrer advised that these solutions are going to take a <br />long time to enact. He recommended the two lowest homes that are <br />prone to damage, Vogue and Wilfong, should investigate flood <br />insurance. Another recommendation was for the City to continue to <br />investigate alternate means of providing access to Eden Park area <br />(such as: raising one of the roads, finding another access out) if the <br />high water occurs as is predicted in the VBWD report. <br />B. Plan Approval, 43rd St., & Kimbro Avenue <br />City Engineer Bohrer reported that plans and specifications for the <br />1.989 MSA Improvements - 43rd Street and Kimbro Avenue are complete and <br />ready for the Council's review. Public hearings were held on June 21, <br />1.988 and on the basis of those public hearings, the plans were ordered <br />to be prepared for 43rd Street and Kimrbo with the condition to <br />provide for paving the shoulders 6 feet wide provided additional <br />right-of-way was not required. <br />In his letter to the Council, dated 2/15/89, Bohrer advised that they <br />have prepared the plans based on 4 foot wide shoulders because 6 foot <br />wide shoulders would require additional right-of-way from every <br />property owner along the street and the relocation of some existing <br />fences which would not have to be relocated if 4 foot shoulders were <br />constructed. <br />Bohrer has become aware that paved shoulders do not have universal <br />support of the propertyowners because at least two property owners <br />ride horses/drawn carts which would be prohibited from riding paved <br />surfaces according to Section 1401 of the city code. From a <br />maintenance standpoint, he would support paved shoulers based on <br />virtually no maintenance needs to be done. <br />Bob Wier stated he has miniature horses, approx. 34 inches tall, with <br />carts/buggies that are 40 inches wide, but his son has a standard size <br />buggy, approx 5 feet in size. Councilman Williams responded that a 4 <br />foot unpaved shoulder would not help the usage of the 5 foot buggy. <br />Bohrer believed that the time the ordinance prohibiting horses from <br />paved surfaces was enacted, it was meant to keep the horses off the <br />driving surfaces because this was the only thing paved in Lake Elmo at <br />the time this ordinance was considered. He suggested an option in the <br />ordinance to allow horses to walk on paved shoulders and prohibit them <br />from the driving surfaces would achieve the same end. Bohrer felt the <br />damage would primarily be cosmetic. <br />M/S/P Graves/Williams - resolved that the Council hereby instructs the <br />City Engineer to proceed with the plans and specifications for 43rd <br />Street and Kimbro Avenue based on 4 foot wide blacktopped shoulders. <br />(Motion carried 5-0). <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - to instruct the City staff/City Attorney to draft <br />t an ordinance allowing horses and horse drawn vehicles on certain hard <br />surfaced roadways in the City; with limitations referred to in <br />1401.010 and 1401.020. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />