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03-21-89 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
03-21-89 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 21, 1.989 PAGE 3 <br />advise them of the most effective wording. ReAPP felt that Attorney Dayton <br />could spend 2 hours reviewing the initial concept of the scorecard. <br />M/S/P Williams/Gra.ves - to authorize up to two hours of Attorney Dayton's <br />time to review and advise ReAPP concerning the wording in the proposal for <br />a "scorecard". (Motion carried 5-0). <br />5. NPDES PERMIT: Washington County Landfill #1 <br />Councilman Graves, Dick Johnson, Attorney Carlson, City Engineer Bohrer <br />and Administrator Morrison met with representatives of Washington and <br />Ramsey Counties on March 16 to discuss this Permit and some of the <br />concerns of the Council and residents of the community. <br />An amended agreement was being prepared by Washington County Attorney's <br />office after this meeting which will. provide for: <br />a) improved frequencey of testing; <br />b) annual review and comment by the City of Lake Elmo at the <br />time of Permit renewal with MPCA; <br />c) inclusion of testing for chemical compounds to drinking <br />water standards at the point where water enters the <br />open air of the stream (Hwy 5). <br />A Resolution, was provided for Council review, approving the agreement <br />between Washington and Ramsey Counties and the City relative to the NPDES <br />Permit for Washington Cty Sanitary Landfill No. 1. was prepared by Steve <br />Carlson, Larry Bohrer and the City Administrator. <br />Mary Luth and Paul Josephson, of Wash. Cty Public Health, gave some <br />background on how the Counties have been ordered by the MPCA to operate <br />gradient control wells under the NPDES Permit and to comply with said <br />order the Counties deem it necessary to discharge treated water from <br />Gradient Control. Well No. 1 into the drainage system of the VBWD and, in <br />order to do so, a drainage pipe needs to be constructed under Jamaca <br />Avenue into a manhole that is used by VBWD. There is a treatment system <br />in the manhole, and if chemicals are present, they will be volatilized and <br />discharged into the VBWD system. <br />The City received a letter from Tablyn Park resident, Rita Conlin, 8560 <br />Ironwood Trail N, opposing this plan because it would pose a health hazard <br />to their children, other park users and wildlife. Conlin stated the <br />flowage of water would run directly into a stream that runs through Tablyn <br />Park. Their children play in this stream, as well as fish in it and eat <br />the fish they catch. it adjoins a picnic area and tennis courts and <br />eventually flows into Eagle Point Lake which is in the Lake Elmo Regional <br />Park Reserve. <br />Mark Busta, 8810 27th St. N., voiced the following concerns of the Tablyn <br />Park residents: <br />a. Request that the County have the wells tested at the County's <br />expense for outside of the Well Advisory Area before the pipe <br />is turned on. (approx. 60 homes; 20 homes adjacent to stream bed). <br />
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