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03-21-89 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
03-21-89 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 21, 1989 PAGE 4 <br />b. The propertyowners would like a list of contaminants in the <br />water as compared to drinking water. (The County responded this <br />list can be provided by the City). <br />c. Frequency of Water Tested: April 15 - October 15 water tested <br />weekly. Tested monthly in the interim. <br />Assurance if any one contaminant is over the level, the valve <br />will be immediately turned. off. <br />Mayor Dunn asked the County, "who turns off the discharge if a red flag <br />should occur?" The County responded that they would shut off the valve in <br />the manhole. If a 100 year storm should occur, VBWD can turn the valve <br />off. <br />Linda Hardy spoke up that she has the last driveway before the lake and <br />the culvert under her driveway freezes up in the winter. The VBWD has <br />pumped their water and she has had water problems. She asked what <br />assurance would she have of this water not getting into the driveway. <br />Margaret Carlson, 8735 27th St., has asked the Clean Water Action group to <br />respond to the list• of contaminants within two weeks and asked for a delay <br />on the decision until their comments are received. <br />Councilman Williams handed out changes for Council consideration to the <br />resolution submitted by the City Attorney. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - to postpone consideration of the wording in the <br />Resolution approving the NPDES Permit, in order to hold a meeting to <br />address these concerns with the Counties, City staff, and representatives <br />from the Tablyn Park and the Well Advisory Areas, with their conditions <br />available for the April 4th City Council meeting. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />M/S/P Williams/Hunt -- to request a written opinion from the City Attorney, <br />to be included in the Council packet, on whether the County has the option <br />of condemnation. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />6. PLANNING/LAND USE/ZONING: <br />A. PRELIMINARY PLAT: KENRIDGE HEIGHTS <br />APPLICANT: ARLYN CHR:IST <br />M/S//P Graves/Hunt - to bring back for consideration the Preliminary Plat <br />for Kenridge Heights. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />At the last Council meeting the City Engineer was directed to investigate <br />the newly constructed wells in the area and determine if safe drinking <br />water is available. <br />In Larry Bohrer's letter, dated March 17, 1989, based on test results, the <br />MN Health Dept, felt that the Prairie du Chien aquifer outside of the <br />landfill boundary is safe for residential wells. Bohrer further stated, <br />that since the Well Advisory eXcludes that portion of Kenridge Heights <br />within the NSP easement and since a well would be allowed in that <br />easement, Bohrer recommends that wells constructed in the NSP easement <br />with Kenridge Heights also be required to be constructed to Well Advisory <br />
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