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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 21, 1989 PAGE 5 <br />standards. <br />In the same letter, Bohrer explains that the current R-1 zoning only <br />extends to the northern line of the NSP easement, not the southern line of <br />the easement as assumed by the developer. This means the south 125' of <br />the preliminary plat is not properly zoned for inclusion in the plat. To <br />keep the plat configuration as proposed, the developer will have to seek a <br />rezoning from RR to Rl for the NSP easement area. <br />Chuck Plowe, Peterson & Assoc., submitted a new preliminary plat showing a <br />curved street. Bohrer noted that this curved road reduces the lot size of <br />Lot 1, Block 1 and reduces the land suitable for septic systems to less <br />than one acre. <br />In his letter, dated March 20, 1989, the City Attorney had concluded that <br />the City's potential liability for preliminary plat approval, within the <br />well advisory area, is diminutive at most and that greater danger to the <br />City was if the preliminary plat was being denied on the basis of the <br />plat's being within the Well Advisory area. His conclusions are listed in <br />this letter. <br />Councilman Moe wanted to deal with the plat before him that included a <br />longer cul-de-sac than our code provides, a variance to the required 32' <br />road width before he considers a rezoning application that would not be <br />consistent with the comprehensive plan. <br />Councilman Graves was not in favor of the rezoning because it is not <br />consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and this has been the basis on <br />which other plats had been turned down. He also has concerns of the <br />Health, Safety and Welfare of the people if the landfill has not reached a <br />stable state and will not get worse in the future. <br />Councilman Williams would approve the Rl plat with the proper street width <br />and would allow the cul-de-•sac because there will be development to the <br />West. He was not in favor of the rezoning based on the Comprehensive <br />Plan. <br />Councilman Hunt explained how he strives to be consistent with the Comp <br />Plan and has turned down two plats based on this. The plat is not zoned <br />properly at this time and he would not be in favor of a rezoning at this <br />time. <br />Mayol^Dunn stated consideration for rezoning would be in conflict with the <br />Comp Plan as amended by Resolution 83-56, dated September 6, 1.983. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - to deny preliminary plat approval of Kenridge Heights <br />based on: the length of the cul-de-sac is .longer than what the code allows <br />which is 800 ft., the street width would require a variance to the <br />required 32' road width, and consideration would not be given to rezone <br />the portion of the plat that was shown to extend into RR zoning district <br />based on such rezoning being in conflict with the 1979 Comprehensive Plan <br />f--1 as amended by Resolution 83-56, dated September 6, 1983. (Motion carried <br />5-0) <br />Councilman Williams explained, if the NSP easement problem was not there, <br />