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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 21, 1989 PAGE 6 <br />he would vote for approval of the preliminary plat with a 32' street <br />width. <br />Councilman Hunt stated, to rezone this easement to Rl now, would only <br />weaken our Comp Plan for any other proposal that comes before us. <br />B. REZONING RR TO PF: APOSTOLIC BIBLE CHURCH <br />Jeff Roos from the Apostolic Bible Church, was requesting a rezoning of 14 <br />acres of land, on loth Street east of County Road 13A, from Rural <br />Residential to public facility. <br />Councilman Williams felt this was a non-residential use and was not <br />consistent with the City's comprehensive plan. This area should be <br />restricted for residential use and felt the people that live there now <br />were most important. <br />Pastor Robert Sabin responded that he had never heard anybody say that a <br />church is not consistent with rural land or with residential land. They <br />want to serve the community and help people who have needs. <br />Councilmen Moe and Graves had no problem with the plan and felt it was <br />proper utilization of the land. An example given was the Lake Elmo <br />Baptist Church sits on PF land with land adjacent currently zoned RR. <br />M/S/ Graves/Moe - to approve the rezoning request by Apostolic Bible <br />Church of 14 acres from Rural Residential to Public Facility in order for <br />a church to be built; <br />M/S/F Williams/Hunt - to amend this motion to include "but the City <br />Council discourages further non-residential uses on 15th St. South of loth <br />and East of County Road 13 and County Road 19". (Motion failed 2-3: <br />Graves, Moe, Dunn: They felt this was an attractive proposal and a church <br />is consistent with the RR land use. Examples given were the Baptist <br />Church and the Guardian Angels Church which are surrounded by homes). <br />M/S/F Graves/Moe - to approve the rezoning request of 14 acres (Legal <br />description provided) from Rural Residential to Public facility by <br />Apostolic Bible Church in order for a church to be built. (Motion failed <br />3-2: Williams, this will be the third non --residential use (Linder <br />Greenhouse, NWBell bldg.) in a quarter section and worries about what <br />future non-residential uses would follow, Hunt: agreed with Todd and asked <br />for better .lay out criteria in our comp plan to prevent this from <br />happening). Because rezoning requiree a 4/5ths vote by the Council, this <br />motion failed. <br />Councilman Graves asked Councilman Williams if he would change his vote <br />for approval if his amendment provision was included in the motion. <br />Therefore the following motion was made: <br />M/S/P Grave/Moe - to bring back for Council consideration the above motion <br />which includes the amendment provision. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - to approve the rezoning request of 14 acres (legal <br />description provided) from Rural Residential to Public. Facility for <br />