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04-18-89 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-18-89 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br />time schedule. <br />t <br />APRIL 18, 1989 PAGE 9 <br />Bohrer felt that if the full 20,000 cu.yds is brought in there is a much <br />greater likelihood of interferring with drainage, dirt and dust uses and <br />erosion. Until such time, the City should suspend the fill operations. <br />It was Councilman's Graves understanding at the time, there was a definite <br />plan to be presented to the Council so that it would describe how the fill <br />would be utilized. He believed the reason Mr. Gorman was asking for the <br />fill permit last fall. was because of an opportunity was present for him to <br />acquire fill. reasonably priced. <br />M/S/P Williams/Graves - to direct the City Staff. and City Attorney to <br />notify Ed Gorman should suspend fill operations until the site plan has <br />been considered and approved by the City Council based on these Findings: <br />(Motion carried 5-0). <br />1. The filling continues without a site plan while it was <br />understood, last September that this site plan would be <br />forthcoming shortly after January 1, 1989. <br />2. The dirt being piled there constitutes a potential hazard <br />to the community because of obstruction of drainage, being <br />a source of windblown dust, and a slide hazard, and is <br />an unattractive nuisance. <br />B. Resolution No. 89-22:Resolution Awarding Bid, <br />Reconstruction of 43rd & Kimbro <br />City Engineer, Larry Bohrer, reported there were seven bids received for <br />reconstruction of 43rd Street and Kimbro Avenue. The low bidder was <br />Dresel Contracting from Forest Lake in the amount of $154,268.40. Bohrer <br />recommended the contract be awarded to the low bidder. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - resolved that Resolution No. 89-22, Awarding the Bid <br />for Reconstruction of 43d Street and Kimbro Avenue to Dresel Contracting <br />is hereby approved. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />C. Resolution No. 89-23:Resolution Awarding Bid, <br />Overlay/Ditching of 33rd St N. <br />City Engineer, Larry Bohrer, reported they received four bids for overlay <br />and ditching of 33rd St N. The low bidder was Alexander Construction of <br />Apple Valley in the amount of $28,913.20. The low bid was $2,200 higher <br />than the engineer's estimate. Bohrer advised the Council this may have <br />some assessment implication. This project is to be funded in part by MSA <br />municipal money maintenance and in part by direct assessments. If the bid <br />came in as estimated the assessment would be in line with what he told the <br />people at the Public Hearing which was about $1000 per lot. Another <br />expenditure of $1000 for a flagman was not anticipated. <br />l M/S/P Hunt/Graves - resolved that Resolution No. 89-23 awarding the bid <br />for overlay and ditching of 33rd Street to Alexander Construction, is <br />hereby approved. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />
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