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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 18, 1989 PAGE 10 <br />Bohrer explained that much of the maintenance the city will be doing this <br />year will be under contract and paying for a lot of it with our state aid <br />maintenance money. $2.5,000 have been budgeted as part of the maintenance <br />budget for patch and overlay for this year. There was also a few thousand <br />dollars carried over from last year. Bohrer suggested if the cost does <br />exceed the estimate that was put together for the Public Hearing and would <br />cause the assessment to go over, a few thousand dollars could be used from <br />the patch and overlay fund. <br />Councilman Williams would be in favor of covering the overage with the <br />budgeted patch and overlay fund. <br />Councilman Graves asked why the increase in the bid and did not want it <br />viewed as a precedent that the city will take care of any money <br />difference. Graves also had a concern with allocating funds from the <br />general maintenance portion of the budget because he wants to make sure <br />they can take care of the rest of the city out of that fund. <br />Bohrer responded that 33rd St. is unique in where we have only one side <br />with houses that can be assessed and every lot is a corner lot. It was <br />difficult to come up with an assessment formula that was fair. <br />Prior to the next meeting, the Maintenance Foreman and City Engineer will <br />formulate all the road needs in the City. His intention is not to cut any <br />portion short. <br />D. Section 32 Discussion <br />Larry Bohrer presented his memorandum on what his understanding'of the <br />results of the staff planning meeting on April 10th to discuss further <br />implementation of a Section 32 Action Plan. <br />A copy will be inserted in the file with the additions requested by the <br />Council. (See Memorandum). <br />Before any dates are set, Hunt suggested to wait until the next City <br />Council meeting when the planner will. submit his review and contact will <br />be made with Public Financial Services. <br />10. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />A. Parks Committee Recommendation: Olympic Festival Com. <br />The Council was given the timetable/calendar of events and requested to <br />approve use of Lake Elmo for the Olympic events and authorize formation of <br />the Committee. <br />Dick Acree, 2985 Lake Elmo Avenue, submtted a letter to the Council <br />expressing concern about traffic and parking on Lake Elmo Avenue and <br />tresspassing during the event. Questionnaires have been received from <br />other lake residents and will be copied and sent to the Council. <br />The Council indicated support of the concept, however, Councilman Williams <br />indicated before he could vote for approval of the use of the lake, he <br />wanted the following information (in writing) submitted to the Council on <br />May 2nd. <br />