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Memorandum <br />April 18, 1989 <br />Page Two <br />1. An evaluation of potential tax income versus public service expenditures. <br />should be made to quantify if Section 32 development is a benefit or <br />Yabitit This co�zld bg made as a ��iConsultantbetween Frank Langer, <br />cot ene and of e Pu lic Financis. <br />2. Mike Black will contact Doug De Coster, Clarence Enright, and Bob Dreher, <br />as representative; of the property owners, to discuss If existing Land <br />Use Plan is stlII Val Id. (within a week). <br />LDB:J <br />3. Indicate as a future assignment for Lee Hunt, Mayor Dunn, City hdmin, <br />to meet with Kathy Aho to discuss, in a preliminary way, <br />Financial options for construction of sewer and water for <br />Section 32. <br />NOTES <br />Councilman Hunt: There was discussion on modifying the existing land use <br />plan. L. Bohrer indicated that the land there perhaps was not appropriate <br />for anything more;for one house (executive homesites for single family) <br />or high class townhouse in order to work around the wetlands. <br />Councilman Graves: A possibility exists that an extension of public <br />facilities can be done on a staged basis. <br />Larry Bohrer: Land Use Definitions could be different in Section 32 <br />than the rest of Lake Elmo because the standards will be completely <br />different. They should also be called something different, <br />